Chapter 16

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

Right now everyone could be seen walking out of the sabha. As you know a lot had happened inside a few moments ago, Guru Drona came barging in the sabha and requested Maharaj Dhritarashtra to declare the yuvraj after he gets his Gurudakshina i.e. The King Of Panchal, Draupad kneeling infront of him, and to declare him, who defeats the Panchalnaresh, the yuvraj of Hastinapur.

The Kauravas and Pandavas were determined to win against each other and they could be seen walking away for the preparations of the battle. Suchitra on the other hand was still fuming due to her encounter with Karna and was thinking about defeating him and of ways to prank him.

As she kept walking with her head clouded with revenge plans someone stopped her by putting their hands on her eyes. "Guess who?" She heard someone ask and then giggle. She chuckled and acted as if she was thinking "Hmm? Who can stop a person in the middle of the hallway and ask this question?" she asked in a teasing voice "Jiji! Don't tease me" The person whined. Suchitra once again chuckled "I am sorry, I am just teasing Subhadra, you know that" she then turned around and hugged the young girl who reciprocated it with full enthusiasm.

Both the girls walked towards the garden, talking about different things, laughing and giggling together. Suchitra's sour mood was instantly lifted when she started talking to this beautiful ball of sunshine. She felt all her tension and stress wash away as she focused on the melodic voice of Subhadra, it was as if she just heard her favourite songs and got all energised.

"By the way jiji, when I found you it seemed as if you were planning to murder someone. Tell me you weren't please! Bhrata Krishna says killing an innocent person is a sin" Subhadra said worridly but Suchitra could make out the slight teasing in her voice. Suchitra looked at her with a sarcastic smile "Of course not Subhadra! How can you even think of such thing?" Suchitra dramatically put a hand on her heart making Subhadra laugh and this how both girls fell into a fit of laughter.

Then suddenly Subhadra's eyes lit up, she smiled at Suchitra and started dragging her inside the palace "Are are wait Subhadra! Why are you suddenly dragging me inside? I thought you wanted to sit in the castle?" Subhadra didn't answer and kept dragging her.

Once they finally stopped Suchitra was able to get a good look of the place where they stood, Subhadra had dragged her to the Nrityashala. Suchitra's eyes widen for a moment she hadn't danced for what felt like ages, she turned to Subhadra who stood there cheekily and gestured her to speak up "Well you see jiji, Bhrata Krishna told me that you are a magnificent dancer, he also told me about the times when you both were young and used to dance together, when you used perform raas with him and the other gopis and even Dau has praised you many a times. And from that time onwards I have always wanted to dance with you! Please jiji, show me your dancing skills" Sibhadra requested and showed her best puppy eyes to Suchitra.

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