Chapter 19

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

Today was the day. Finally the Kururajkumars were going to return from Panchal. A day before, one of the messengers had informed the royal family and the guests who were still in Hastinapur that the Pandavas had won the competition and fulfilled Guru Drona's demand. This had caused a huge wave of emotions to flow in the courtroom.

Flashback to a day prior~

On one hand, Rajmata Kunti, Mahamahim Bhishma and Mahamantri Vidhur couldn't control their happiness and satisfaction as they smiled and sang praises of the five brothers, on the other hand, Maharaj Dhritarashtra was livid. He wanted his son, his blood and flesh to be the Yuvraj of Hastinapur but now he had to declare his brother's offspring as the heir. Maharani Gandhari was sad and disappointed but she didn't hold any grudge or even an ounce of hatred for the Pandavas or Kunti. Yes, she had wanted her son to become the next in line for the throne but she couldn't deny that Panduputras' skills exceeded her children's.

Now moving on to the Rajkumariyan present in the sabha, the two friends Subhadra and Dushala cheered quietly as they celebrated their win but no one noticed how Suchitra's muscles grew slightly tensed as she too tried to match the energy of the room. No one saw past the smile on her face and noticed the twinge of worry that shimmered in her eyes and the slight furrow of her eyebrows for a quick second before it was gone as she shook her head lightly to get rid of the inauspicious thoughts that clouded her mind when she remembered what was going to happen fom now on. She was of course happy for the Pandavas and also for the fact that she was going to see them after many days, she couldn't contain the giddiness she felt when she thought of the sour face of Duryodhan, but then the incidents of the coming future flashed in front her eyes as she recalled the devilish plan of Mamashree and the Kauravas to burn the Panduparivaar.

She had to do something, she can't just sit back and watch what's about to happen. As Suchitra continued to think of a plan to somehow avoid the Varnavrat incident a thought struck her mind. 'But only after that incident Bheem had married Hidimbi and it also is an important factor Draupadi's marriage with the Panduputras'
she was now conflicted. She wanted to change what was supposed to happen but then it would lead to a number of unwanted changes. 'But maybe...just maybe it won't? Is this incident really that important?' she shook her head to get rid of all these confusing thoughts. She'll just ask Krish- a sudden thought sparked in her mind, Kanha had already told her not to mess with things but didn't specify any reason.

Ahh, she is going to get migraine if she thinks anymore. "Putri!" someone shook her making her train of thoughts come to a halt. She blinked a few times and then looked at the source of the sound. Mata Kunti stood there in all her glory with a worried look on her face. "Huh? Yes mata, what happened?" "What happened? Putri I had called you at least four times, what were you thinking about?" Mata Kunti asked "Oh nothing mata just some stuff" Suchitra dismissed mata Kunti's question and got up as she saw everyone was leaving the court.

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