Chapter 25

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Third person's pov:

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Third person's pov:

As the day went by, Suchitra had a lot of fun with the royals of Dwarkanagri, after a hot gossip session with the ladies, a spiritual talk with Vasudev and a lot of catching up with Balram dau, the evening had finally arrived. She had taken a bath and changed into fresh clothes as she was informed that soon Krishna would be arriving with a "surprise" as he puts it and he had requested that they should visit the temple of Mahadev and Mata Parvati.

She decided to go to the entrance of the palace where she was supposed to meet everyone and then proceed for the temple. Once she arrived, she found all the family members standing together and chatting. She rushed to them and immediately apologised "I am so sorry for making all of you wait! I was too confused in choosing what to wear so I lost track of time" she sheepishly admitted and rubbed the back of her neck, Mata Rohini chuckled at her behaviour "It is quite alright putri, you don't have to apologise for it, we understand"

Suchitra gave her a smile. All of them started climbing up the chariots which were lined up outside the entrance. Everyone was excited to see Krishna, even though it has been only half a day, he was missed dearly by all his family members. That's Manmohana for you. She climbed up a chariot and sat down with Subhadra. The girl was wiggling happily on the thought of meeting her brother, perhaps someone else as well, Suchitra chuckled and patted her back lightly "Calm down Subhadra, we are going to mee them soon" she said with a knowing smile. Subhadra blushed at her comment, knowing that it was obvious that she was excited for some unstated reasons. "Jiji, why are you giving me that creepy smile of yours?! To tell the truth, it is very terrifying" Suchitra gasped dramatically and played along with it "You wound me Subhadra! And here I thought that you and I had something special.....It seems that I was heavily mistaken" with the sad and sullen look she had on her face, anyone could have been tricked that she was indeed very hurt. She is an actress after all, expressions and manipulation were in her blood, not that she went on manipulating people or anything.

The evening was quite beautiful, the warm glow of the sunset gave a feeling of peacefulness. The birds chirped away as they settled into their humble abode with their little ones, ready to end their day. The air was crisp, it carried a faint smell of flowers from the gardens and fields around them. Suchitra took a deep breath, she closed her eyes as she felt the air on her skin and smiled at the blissful atmosphere.

Finally when they arrived to the temple everyone looked very excited and curious about what the surprise would be. Suchitra looked at the faces of all the family members, some held a small smile trying to mask their curiosity while some cough Subhadra cough were jumping around. All of them entered the temple and were immediately greeted by the priests Vasudev went ahead and bowed his head infront of the brahmans to gain their blessings and soon everyone else followed his actions.

When it was Suchitra's turn, the whole family had moved forward, she joined her hands and bowed her head in respect waiting for the priest to offer her blessings. When they were doing so, a loud gasp resonated amongst them. The oldest priest present there was looking at Suchitra with wide astonished eyes, he slowly moved forward and said "My child raise your head" Suchitra followed and when there eyes met there was a sudden pain in her head which went away as quickly as it came. This confirmed his suspicion, he gave the younger girl a soft knowing smile and patted her head. "Good luck" he said in an unfathomable tone and went away leaving Suchitra confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17 ⏰

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