Chapter Fifteen - How to judge a father.

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"It just seems a little fast, Oakley, that's all we're saying," Oakley's mother's tone was condescending and judgemental to the extreme. "I mean hell, the last time I say that boy I was gonna shoot him. As were you, if I remember correctly. Wasn't it you crying on your bathroom floor?"

"Erin," Oakley's father's voice came through the phone. Oakley was currently in her bedroom having just freshened up from the ride she took with Kayce and Tate earlier. It was Sunday afternoon now, and she had promised Tate that she would accompany them into town for some ice cream before Monica came to pick him up. According to Kayce, Monica was always early.

"Look I know it's a lot to take in," Oakley clear her throat. "But we're taking it slow. I don't even know what to call us really right now. We're just...seeing how this goes. It's very new and very fragile, but we''s slow."

"Says the woman at his house right now," Erin laughed.

"I'm here for the investigation," Oakley snapped. "I'm trying to do my that hasn't been so easy the past few days, thank you very much."

"We know, honey," James sighed. "We just worry about you."

"I know," Oakley looked up when she heard footsteps. Kayce and Tate appeared at her door with matching smiles, though Kayce's faltered when he saw her face. "Look I have to run, I just wanted to check in."

"Thank you for calling," James said. "Please be careful and take care."

"I will," Oakley sighed. "I love you both. Bye."

She hung up and stood up from the bed where she had been sitting.

"Ready?" Tate asked, already turning around and walking out.

"Everything okay?" Kayce asked as his eyes watched Oakley walk over to him.

"Yeah," Oakley shrugged. "My parents just are concerned."

"With me?" Kayce asked.

"Your track record isn't too great with them," Oakley offered a tight-lipped smile. "But they'll come around eventually."

"I don't blame them," Kayce shrugged. "They just don't want you hurt."

"Yeah," Oakley sighed. "But I'm doing this my way to hopefully not get myself hurt."

"Your way, huh?" Kayce smiled at Oakley as they both made their way down the stairs, Tate was already out by Kayce's truck. "You're in charge?"

"I am," Oakley smirked. "You didn't know that?"

She felt the stress from her parent's call dissolve as they made it to the front door. When Oakley went to open it, Kayce shut the door, turning Oakley around to face him with her back to the door. He stood close, mere inches separating them as Oakley sucked in a breath.

"Then take control, Oaks..."His warm breath fanned out across Oakley's face causing goosebumps to appear on her skin. He leaned down to almost kiss her. "Just make sure you can handle it."

Kayce stepped away and propped open the door before Oakley could focus her eyes back. He was smirking down at her, nodding his head for her to step out. Glancing one more time at him, Oakley blinked and stepped outside, feeling warm out in the cool afternoon. They got to the truck and Kayce opened Oakley's door for her but didn't touch her. When they were driving into town she noticed he didn't touch her. No graze of the arm, or hand on her thigh, nothing. Tate was busy talking about the different dinosaurs in his collecting at home but Oakley hated that her mind was so fuzzy from Kayce's words earlier.

When they pulled into a parking spot, Kayce still made no move to touch Oakley at all. He held the door open for them into the shop, but no brush of the shoulder or a hand on the small of her back. She was starting to get frustrated.

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