Chapter Thirty-Six - Please don't kill anyone because of me.

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"Hey Dad," Oakley said as James opened the front door. "Sorry again for the late notice."

"It's okay, Oaks," James opened the door wider. "We didn't plan for much, but I think your mom is whipping up some potatoes and steaks."

"That's more than enough," Oakley turned around and motioned to Kayce who was still at the door. "Dad, you remember Kayce."

"Sure," James reached out his hand for Kayce to take. "Nice to see you, Kayce."

"Hi, Mr. Dobson," Kayce shook his hand. "Sorry to just drop in like this."

Oakley let out a shaky down, one to go.

"Y'all come on in," James waved them both inside.

The trio rounded the corner and Oakley saw her mother in the kitchen, mashing what she assumed were the potatoes in a large bowl. Erin smiled at Oakley, and to Oakley's relief, it looked genuine.

"Hi Mom," Oakley stood on the other side of the kitchen island from her mother. "You remember Kayce?"

"Hi, Kayce," Erin nodded.

"Hi Mrs. Dobson," Kayce smiled, removing his hat from his head.

"Y'all take a seat," Erin looked at James. "This is almost ready."

The four sat down after Erin finished the potatoes. Conversation flowed somewhat easily, sticking to topics of how Kayce's family was and what all was new at the Yellowstone Ranch. Oakley was impressed with her parents; not once did they seem irritated or annoyed at Kayce.

"So," Erin took a sip of her water. "Was there a particular reason for the drop-by?"

"Well," Oakley glanced at Kayce. "There is something I wanted to warn you both about."

"Are you pregnant?" Erin asked.

"W-What?" Oakley stuttered and Kayce coughed into his water. "No, mom. I'm not pregnant."

"You can't blame me for asking," Erin held up her two hands, but Oakley could see the humor behind her eyes. Her mother was loving this too much.

"Why do you think I would warn y'all about being pregnant?" Oakley's eyes narrowed.

"Well, not to beat a dead horse," Erin started but James interrupted.

"It's a common thought for parents to have," James reached over and squeezed Erin's arm. "That's all honey."

"Well, I'm not," Oakley snapped. "It has to do with my job."

"Did you find one?" James asked.

" old job," Oakley sighed. "With the state."

Both her parents looked at her, waiting. Oakley glanced at Kayce, who placed his hand on her thigh under the table for some support.

"It's probably gonna come out tomorrow," Oakley started. "But my department has been...some of the people have been working with this third-party holdings company to scam farmers and ranchers out here in selling their land cheap, and then the state turns around and buys it from the third party for commercial development."

"What?" James asked. Oakley knew he would understand better than her mom would, on the business details of everything.

"There are a few places it already happened to," Kayce added. "That convenience store and gas station on I-39 was Terry Burke's place for years. He wouldn't have sold it if he knew that's what they would have built."

"Oaks," James sighed. "Did you know about this going on while you were there?"

"I didn't know," Oakley said quickly. She looked at Kayce again.

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