"My favorite person" (Aaron X reader)

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⚠️Spoilers for book 1 & 2!⚠️


No One's POV:

Aaron has finally did it.

He has successfully killed The mage of Artime, Mr. Today and took over Artime with His army and now Aaron has now the power over Both Quill and Artime, with His twin brother feeling hopeless has ever that Artime was now gone, Aaron could care less for His twin brother but the only person that He truly cared about was Y/N...

Back in Quill, Both Aaron and Y/n were listed to be wanteds, but Alex, Lani, Meghan and Samheed were sentenced to their "deaths" Y/n truly saw Alex, Lani, Meghan and Samheed as really close friends and Y/n felt horrible depressed when She saw Her friends were going to their deaths and all She had left was Aaron.

After Both Aaron and Y/n went to university, They both worked together and became close, mostly for Aaron because Aaron had developed a huge crush on Y/n and always dreamed on having a future with Y/n, in the future getting married, starting a family and growing old together.

But when Alex had came to rescue His brother and Y/n, Aaron was obviously shocked to His brother was actually alive and not dead. Y/n was so happy to see Alex again and She wanted to convince Aaron to go to Artime so where the three of them can feel safe but to no surprise, Aaron refused, which lead to Alex to leave behind Both Aaron and Y/n behind.

So after Quill and Artime went into war, Y/n wanted nothing to do with the war at all, She honestly wanted to help and defend Artime, but because of Aaron always keeping a good eye on Her, that didn't go as planned. And So Quill lost the war and that caused Aaron nothing but to get revenge on His twin brother Alex, and caused You to be a little afraid of Aaron when He doesn't get what He wants.

So after, Aaron took over the two lands of Quill and Artime, Y/n was out on the balcony and scanned over of what used to be Artime has now become nothing but just like in Quill.

The beautiful land of Artime has become the boring and sad land of Qill where everything had became grey, all of the ground was broken and there were barely any water and everyone who lived in Artime was miserable, expect for the people who lived in Quill. (No surprise there...)

As You were looking over the new lands of Quill, Aaron was writing some important stuff down on paper, You heard Him got up from His chair and walked over to You.

You felt His arms gently wrapped around You as You didn't made eye contact and sadly looked over at the dried up lands.

"This land is now Ours, Y/n" Aaron said softly.

"Yeah...Our sad and dried up land...with no more colors..." Y/n said sadly, but Aaron didn't think of it.

"So, how do You think Al-" Y/n asked but She immediately stopped Herself Once She was about to say Alex's name, She knew She was not allow to say Aaron's twin brother's name and Aaron would be upset at Y/n to mention Alex.

"Er-Him, I mean! How do You think He is doing about this?" Y/n asksd.

"I wish You wouldn't worried about My brother too much, I would rather You worry about Me more," Aaron said.

"You know I do," Y/n said.

"Well, If You really wanna know, I just gave My brother a present, Mr. Today's robe, I hope He likes it," Aaron said and You were just surprised.

"I thought...You're present was gonna hurt Him..." Y/n said surprisingly.

Aaron just chuckled softly.

"You think so lowly of Me, why would I do that?" Aaron asked but You didn't know how to answer but You were so happy that Alex didn't get hurt.

"I'm...just happy that Your brother didn't get hurt at all," Y/n said.

"And why would I hurt My brother if that's gonna make My favorite person all sad?" Aaron asked, You looked down and Aaron patted You on the head.

"Now stop worrying about My brother, We've got work to do," Aaron said and He gently grabbed Your hand and The Two of You walked back inside to get some work done.


After Y/n and Aaron had finish some work done (mostly Aaron), Y/n basically sneaked out to go to look for Alex, and then She ended up bumping into Alex at a small shelter that Alex, Sky, Crow and Meghan were all hiding.

You knocked on the door, and when the door open, You smiled happily once You saw Alex again, and You saw that Alex was wearing Mr. Today's robe.

Alex's eyes widened once He saw Y/n.

"Y/n? What are You doing here?" Alex asked.

"I was worried about You, I'm really sorry that Aaron had taken over Artime, I wish..." Y/n said apologetic, but Alex cut You off by hugging You gently.

"I'm just happy that You are okay," Alex said and You smiled.

"You too," Y/n said.

"I really wish Me and Aaron came here, it was just so beautiful, now that The mage is gone, what are You going to do?" Y/n asked.

"I...I don't know, but I know I will find a way to bring Artine back but You swore on Your life that You won't tell Aaron about this," Alex said.

"You know how I am with secrets, even with Aaron, I won't say a thing," Y/n said.

"I'm grateful that You went with Aaron because You are the only one who keeps Him on His toes...sometimes," Alex said and You giggled softly.

"Trust Me, I am the only one who can prevent Aaron from having a temper tantrum when He does not get of what He wants," Y/n explained which Both You and Alex laughed softly.

"I'm just happy that You are okay, and I know that You'll bring back Artime, I believe in You Alex, I honestly wish I can stand by Your side but someone has to handle Aaron," Y/n explained.

"I know, and remember if You're done with Aaron then Artime will be always be open for You to join Us," Alex said and You smiled sweetly.

"Thank You, Alex" Y/n said and They both gave each other a hug before Y/n walked back to the mansion where Aaron was waiting for Her.


(The End) (A/N: I cannot believe that I am finally doing "the unwanteds" book snippets, and I always wanted to do this short story, so I really hope you enjoy and if You have any ideas for this story then please don't be afraid of asking me to do one and I'll happily to do it, and so with that being said, I'll see You in the next one, Bye love you all!)

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