"The love of a whistle singal" (Alex X Reader)

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"The whistle signal can be heard as a beautiful melody of love and pain, because one whistle is love while the other is pain"

(Special AU:

Aaron was listed as an unwanted and was sent to His "death" along with His twin brother, Alex and classmates: Meghan, Lani and Samheed.

Both Sky and Crow lived on Quill as well and were also listed as Unwanteds but Their mother came along with Them to join in Her children's "death" along with the others

Soon The priest of Quill, "Justine" heard about Artime and wanted to take over but once war had started, Priest Justine was killed immediately after losing, but the people of Quill distant themselves from Artime but never planned to attack Artime ever again.

And soon, Lani's father became the new priest and kept Quill in order and now, both Quill and Artime were living in peace.)


No One's POV:

You're name is Y/n L/n, and You were listed as an unwanted and You, along with You're best friend, Alexander Stowe, His twin brother Aaron, and classmates Meghan, Lani, Samheed, Sky and little Crow (Crow was actually the youngest and was never a classmate, but was a close friend) were all sent to Your "deaths" and now lived in a magical land called: "Artime" who was ruled by a magical old mage, Marcus Today.

And after, settling down in Their new lifestyle, finding Their own talents and soon becoming magical warriors, it was the best thing as an unwanted could ever asked for.

It was now another day had ended, and so, after class, both Alex and Y/n wanted to hang out alone, and it was pretty clear that The both of Them had crushes on each other but had no idea how to confess to each other.

But with Their crush issue aside, They both went outside, and hang out, Alex looked over at His best friend with a smile and-

"Wanna play a game?" Alex asked. Y/n smiled sweetly.

"What game?" Y/n asked.

"Hide n seek tag," Alex answered with a smile.

Hide n seek tag was a game that Y/n and Alex had made up when They learn how to play "hide n seek" and "tag" and combine the two games into one, and it was a game that Y/n and Alex had bonded over a lot and loved.

Y/n smiled.

"You know I would never say no," Y/n said playfully and Y/n giggled.

"Now if We play, you know the rules," Y/n said and-

"I know, if one of Us can't find each other for an hour then We will send out a seek spell and if that doesn't work for about the next few minutes, then We use the whistle singal," Alex explained.

The whistle signal is a special code signal that both Alex and Y/n had made up to communicate with something if wrong, like if one of the them can't find the other then, They will whistle to see if the other is okay, if not then it will prove that the other is not okay.

"Now ready to play?" Alex asked.

"Born ready," Y/n said with a smile.


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