"You're all what matters to Me" (Alex X Reader)

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"I'll look after You and You'll look after Me"


No One's POV:

You woke up to the sun shining on You, You sigh sadly as You started to wake up, You looked out of Your window and looked out of the window and scanned over the beautiful land of Artime.

You are (Y/N) (L/N) and You were listed as an unwanted along with Your best friend Alexander Stowe, and Your other friends, Meghan Ranger, Lani Haluki and Samheed Burkesh.

The five of You were in chains and were sent to their "deaths" while Alex's twin brother Aaron Stowe was sent to University. But then when You and the others were about to say goodbye one last time, You all met Mr. Today and Artime.

And before You knew it, this was Your home now, where You can feel safe, where Your dreams live on, You can do magic and have Your own talent. Artime was the most beautiful thing You have ever seen and it almost made You cry.

You were happy that Alex, Meghan, Lani and Samheed didn't die and Your were now safe but ever since last week, You weren't happy at all because of what happened to Your parents only a week ago.

Both of Your parents were necessaries who had a farm but both of Your parents had planned to escaped Quill with You ever since You were just a baby.

So the night that You and along with Your parents were supposed and successful escaped and got out of Quill, You got caught by the government and as punishment for even trying to escape, The government had killed both of Your parents but kept You alive.

After seeing Your parents gets brutally murdered and killed by the government, You were sent to live with Your best friend Alex. Alex has been Your best friend ever since You can remember and You two had an unbreakable bond that no one can break apart.

Alex has always been there by Your side ever since Your parents had died and You never left His and He honestly told You, that He would die along with You holding Your hand as death took over.

But ever since You, Alex and the others were welcomed into Artime, You were all now safe and didn't worry about facing death itself, but that still didn't make You happy, You just missed Your parents horribly, You honestly wish that You died with them, but You know well that They both would sacrifice Their lives for You to stay alive.

Anyways, You got dressed, You greeted Your blackboard "Izzy" good morning and walked out to go and get breakfast. Izzy did noticed Your behaviour that You were feeling very down and not happy at all, but didn't say anything because She didn't want to upset You.

As You were walking, You stopped dead in Your tracks as You thought about Your parents, that thought of Your parents made You forcefully lose Your appetite and You walked straight into Your class.

Your talent was (Your number one/special talent) and You were pretty much a teacher's pet in Your classmates's eyes and Alex's too, Alex found it so adorable and that You might as well be Ms. Octavia's favorite student and Mr. Today looks down at You like Your were His daughter.

But then, All of Your friends, along with Ms. Octavia and even Simber had noticing on how You were feeling and even noticing that You were actually skipping meals. They all have been asking You questions about Your health and You're behavior, but You just told them that You were okay and walk away like nothing even happened which made them worry more, especially Alex.

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