"Playtime with a demigod," (Alex X Sky X demigod! Y/n)

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"Playtime can be a good way to catch feelings,"


No One's POV:

"Explain to Me, why are We sailing out to a new island again?" Sky asked as She was glaring at Alex. Alex smiled.

"Two reasons, one: so We can spend time together and two: Mr. Today want Us to have a little vacation together since We've been working so hard," Alex explained.

Sky gently piches His cheeks.

"I can already tell that You're gonna be one dorky mage when it's time for You to take over Artime," Sky explained and Alex chuckled.

Both Alex and Sky started to date, They both had feelings for one and other since They met, They both have been working very hard to keep Artime in order since Mr. Today was getting old, and soon, will passed, but Alex didn't like to think about that.

They were both sailing towards a new island that Mr. Today told Alex about, and Mr. Today wanted Alex to go and check it out to see if the island was ruled by another leader or it was just empty, so Alex brought Sky to come with and then later, They will bring Their friends later on.

Anyways, as Alex and Sky were riding on the sailboat 'Claire', They're attention was turned towards a small island that only took about 5 minutes to from Artime to the new island.

The island was an autumn theme forest, every tree and leaves were red, organe and yellow, the temperature was a little cool, but not too cool like cold. Once the sailboat hit the land, both Alex and Sky got off of the boat and stared at the beautiful sight of the woods.

"Wow, it's so beautiful" Sky said with a smile.

Alex nodded in agreement with a smile, and the two of them started to walk into the woods of season fall, the sun was still shinning ever so brightly.

As They were walking, They felt a gentle breeze blew thought their hair. Alex got hit with something that had fallen on His head, which caused Him to stop walking and Sky looked at Him.

"You okay?" Sky asked worryingly.

"Yeah," Alex said and He picked a pinecone that had hit Him on His head.

"It's just a pinecone," Alex said and He put the pinecone in His pocket and Both Him and Sky continued on Their walk.

But again, Alex stopped due to another pinecone fallen on His head, Alex sigh and picked up the pinecone and put another pinecone in His pocket and again, continued on Their walk.

A third pinecone fall on Alex's head and-

"Oh come on! Why am I the one who gets pinecones fall on Me?" Alex asked, which made Sky giggled, Alex started to giggle as well, because He enjoyed hearing Sky's laughs.

As Sky and Alex were giggling, They immigrated stopped once a wooden cage fall onto Alex, at this point, Alex wanted to scream, They both froze, but They quickly snapped out of it, once They tried lifting the cage, but it was too heavy.

"Okay, now I think this is one purpose!" Alex said as He was violating shaking the bars, but then, Sky turned around and Her heart dropped, when She saw a army of animals surrounding Alex who was still in the cage.

The army of animals were mostly, deers, raccoons, bears, rabbits, wolves, owls, birds and a golden retriever dog were all had angry expressions on Their faces at Alex, but none of them were focusing on Sky.

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