"To the throne of hunt & To the throne of magic" (The stowe twins) (final)

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"My mother told Me"


No One's POV:

And there the four Stowe siblings along with Seth and Dev were off, riding on the cheetah statue with wings back, on their first way to go the castle where Queen Justine and Mr. Today might be fighting to the death.

Simber quickly landed on the ground and the four siblings ran into the entrance while both Seth and Dev stayed behind with Simber. Once the Stowe siblings were inside, They all quickly ran upstairs and once They all got up to where Mr. Today's office was, They all stopped to see a big fight going on.

Mr. Today's entire office room was completely trashed, books and papers were everywhere on the floor, the walls had huge holes and the carpet was all ripped up and some were in little bits of flames.

Alex, Aaron, Fifer and Thisbe watched in horror as Both Queen Justine and Mr. Today were battling to the death, Queen Justine was using Her dangerous weapons while Mr. Today was casting magical spells to attack.

Both twin boys looked at each other and nodded, They both needed to stop this fight, but then Mr. Today caught a shot of what The twins were thinking, immediately His eyes glowed and-

"Trick room" Mr. Today whispered and all of a sudden, a huge glass box appeared above where Alex, Aaron, Fifer and Thisbe were standing and it fell on top of Them and just like that, The four Stowe Siblings were all trapped inside of Mr. Today's glass box which was pretty hard to break through.

Alex had tears in His eyes, He couldn't believe of what Mr. Today did, trapping His apprentice inside of a glass box and not letting Alex help Him, Alex then started to bang on the glass which didn't do any good, the glass was too strong.

As Alex was banging on the glass with all of His might-

"Father?" A familiar voice asked and Alex, Fifer and Mr. Today's heart skipped a beat once They realized of who that voice belongs too...

It was Claire...

When Mr. Today saw His daughter had walked up the stairs where the whole fighting was taking place, Once Mrs. Morning had walked up the stairs and stopped dead Her tracks Once She saw-

"F-Father!?" Mrs. Morning cried in horror. Mr. Today quickly looked into His daughter's eyes and softly smiled.

"Forgive Me, My child," Mr. Today whispered, before Mrs. Morning could've do anything, Mr. Today's eyes glowed and-

"Freeze!" Mr. Today whispered and a huge frozen block of ice appeared around Mrs. Morning. Mrs. Morning tried breaking free but it was no use, the ice block prison was just too strong.

Everyone watched in horror what was gonna happened next. Mr. Today quickly took off His colorful robe and the robe disappeared and it appeared on Alex.

Same thing happened to Queen Justine's crown, the crown disappeared and reappeared on Aaron's head and the two rulers looked at the two new rulers of Quill and Artime, then Both Mr. Today and Queen Justine looked back at each other and-

"Time for You to die!" Queen Justine said evily but however Mr. Today smirked and-

"Same as for You, dear sister, If I go down-" Mr. Today growled with a smirked and a mysterious glowing light of magic appeared in Mr. Today's hand and-

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