"I wanna be just like You," (Daniel & Y/n) (Part 1)

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"Telemachus' songs" (Epic the musical) (this is not mine music, lyrics or singing)


No One's POV:

13 years old Daniel Stowe, and 10 years old Y/n Stowe were both locked away in Their shared bedroom by Their Aunt, Fifer Stowe, the head mage of Artime for under protection.

The reason why They are locked away and under protection is because there is a huge war going on in Artime, and everyone who is living in Artime are fighting for Their lives to defend Their home, and The island of Quill is also by Their sides fighting as well.

They were all fighting, expect for Both Daniel and Y/n, Daniel who was almost ready to get into magic warrior training, but then right when the war started, He couldn't fight along with His new classmates and friends.

Y/n really wished that She would be in magical warrior training with Daniel, and Daniel wished that too, but because of Y/n's age, it just wasn't gonna happened, especially when it came to Fifer.

Daniel is the son of Aaron Stowe, He shares His father's hair, His mother's eyes along with Her skin color, but He also shares His father's height and His father's brain, along with His mother's strength. Daniel is clearly protective over Y/n, He always be Her side and He is more likely to be a little bit of a Quill person, but He also wants to bring Quill some light and finally and honestly wants to rule Quill.

Y/n is the daughter of Alexander Stowe and Sky, She shares Her father's curly brown hair, She has a mix skin tone color of both of Alex and Sky's skin tone, She has Her mother's orange eye color on the left, while Her father's chocolate brown eye color on the right. She is really smart like Her mother, but has Her father's personality and way of creativity, so She was most likely to be the next mage of Artime.

Y/n also has a furry companion, when Y/n was only 5, She was gifted a beautiful dog, it was a golden doodle and She named Him "Buddy" and He was Y/n's first best friend, second was Simber (the stone cheetah with wings) and third was Daniel.

Anyways, Daniel was looking out of His window as the war was going on, while Y/n was throwing a ball and Her dog was chasing the ball and bringing the ball back to Y/n.

'It's just Me, Myself, I, Danny and Buddy, stuck in Our bedroom, living in this world You left behind," Y/n sang softly. Daniel looked at His little cousin and smiled.

"I bet You're talent is singing, like You're dad's friend, Meghan!" Daniel explained with a smile.

You smiled back.

"I thought My talent was drawing,"
Y/n said.

"Well, You can be blessed with many talents, like the god of the sun, music, writing and poetry Apollo, You can be His child!" Daniel explained.

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