"I wanna be just like You," (Daniel & Y/n) (Part 2)

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"Fight little wolf" (Epic The Musical) (Again, this is not mine)


No One's POV:

Once Daniel, Y/n and Buddy the dog ran outside, They stopped immediately to see what was going on. It was all bloodshed, everything was hard to watch, everyone was fighting with one and other, some were on the ground dying, some were retreating back and others were kept on fighting.

Y/n looked down at the magic paintbrush that She was holding Her hand, this paintbrush was the first ever paintbrush that Her father had in His hands.

Y/n looked down at the ground and She realized that They were actually standing on dirt, Y/n then started to draw on the dirt with the paintbrush, Daniel and Buddy the dog watched as Y/n was drawing in the dirt.

"Uh, I thought We were fighting, not drawing silly," Daniel said with a smile, but then He saw what You drew in the dirt and it was-

"A sword? It kinda looks like My Mom's sword or something," Daniel explained. Y/n didn't say anything, She then inhale Her breathing, gently close Her eyes and focused.

"Exist!" Y/n whispered and just like that, the used to be a drawing of a sword in the dirt was now real and heavy in Daniel's hand, Daniel stared at the sword and blink to see if what He saw really happened in front of Him.

"You really got an magic touch!" Daniel said happily. Y/n blush softly, gently place Her hand on the back of Her neck and softly smiled.

"I am not that good," Y/n shyly said, but then something caught Daniel's attention and it was a sword heading straight towards You, Daniel quickly tackled You to the ground and the two of You dodge the sword and it hit the walls of the manison.

Daniel got off of You and gently pulled You up.

"Ready?" Daniel asked. Y/n quickly draw in the dirt with the magic paintbrush and it was a drawing of a dagger, You whispered "exist" and just before a blink of an eye, the dagger was now in You're hand.

You nodded You're head and the two of You smiled, Buddy the dog barked happily, and the two of You along with Buddy the dog started to charge to the battle.


Fifer ran fast as She can once She was alerted that both Daniel and Y/n's door was open, Her heart was beating so fast, it felt like Her heart was about to explode in seconds.

Once She arrived at the room, Fifer's hearted dropped once She saw the door was opened, She quickly ran in and to Her horror, the room was empty.

"Fifer!" A familiar voice called out, Fifer turned around and saw Her twin sister, Thisbe walked in and noticed of what happened.

"Now I know how Our brother Alex felt whenever We got in trouble, I can feel His anger building up inside of Me," Thisbe explained.

"I feel the same anger, Thiz, and if You do find the kids, please tell Them Once This is all over, They are so grounded!" Fifer explained, Thisbe nodded Her head in agreement and the twins walked out and went off to find both Daniel and Y/n.

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