"Two brothers with one love" (Alex & Aaron X reader)

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"I'll treat You better then Him!" ~ Alex
"I'll treat You better then Him!" ~ Aaron

(The unwanteds AU)

No One's POV:

It was now another school day as always, so You always followed Her schedule, She wakes up, brush Her teeth, eat breakfast, get dressed, grabbed Her stuff and walks out of the door.

Whenever You walked outside of You're house, You usually walk to school with You're friends, but mostly with, The Stowe twin brothers, Alexander and Aaron. But also company, by Meghan Ranger, Lani Haluki, and Samheed Burkesh.

You knew the twins really well because The three of You were best friends ever since You were only babies, and it was no surprise that everyone in school (expect for some teachers and mostly friends) gets the twins mixed.

But You know the difference between the two boys, Alex has a birthmark on His cheek while Aaron has a scar on His forehead, also Alex was left handed whole Aaron was right handed, so for You, it was really easy.

Anyways, You arrived at school and sat down in You're seat, it was only a minutes before class even started and there the twins were.

Alex was sitting on the left side while Aaron was sitting on the right, Alex gave You one of His colorful pencils for You to keep and Aaron gave You a notebook to right down, but You already had notebooks and pencils, but You thanked the both of Them and class had just begun.


After a couple of You're classes had ended, it was now lunch/recess, usually the students would either eat their lunches in the cafeteria or They have club and bring their lunches with them, there were also an option to eat outside where the school yard is.

Anyways, You always eat You're lunch outside under a tree where the shade is, You always enjoyed eating outside and it always give You comfort and feel peace. After You were done eating, You watched other students were playing with each other, playing games or chatting with one and other, all of a sudden-

"Hey (nickname)!" A familiar voice called out, You turned You're head and saw Alex running towards You with a smile.

"Hey Alex, what's up?" You asked.

"I was wondering if You wanna join Me at art class, I'm about to paint a picture," Alex explained.

"Okay, sure" You said and then, You and Alex went back inside to go to art class.

Once You were in art class, You and Alex were painting together, which was fun because You really enjoyed painting with Alex. Alex is known for His creative and He was pretty much a teacher's pet, and is His teacher's favorite student after all.

After You and Alex had finished painting, You both looked down on You're paintings proudly, You then gave each other a high five and smiled.

The two of You did have dried up colorful paint on You're hands, fingers and on face because Alex started to poke You jokingly with paint on His hands, so fairly, You did it back to Him.

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