"Snack time" (Alex & Fifer) (Life Lesson #1) (Modern AU)

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"Snack time is always a good time"


No one's POV:

On a nice afternoon, Alex made His way down the stairs, and saw His little sister, Fifer Stowe who are one of His little twin sisters, who was sitting at the dining table, and on the table, on a plate with a cup of milk, it was a sandwich of huckleberry jam.

When His 5 year old sister looked over with huckleberry jam all over Her face, cheek, mouth, and hands, Alex walked over and smiled.

"You're snack looks really good, is that figgy jam?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Yeah," Fifer answered, and She grabbed a small piece of Her sandwich and gave it to Her big brother, Alex took it and ate the small piece, and smiled.

"Yummy! My favorite," Alex said happily and Fifer giggled, and Alex smiled, but then He realized that His other little sister, Thisbe isn't with Her twin.

"Hey, where is Thiz?" Alex asked.

"She's with big brother, Aaron" Fifer answered.

"Ah, I see," Alex answered. Alex can only imagine, that Thisbe must be either full on having an arguement with Aaron and Aaron trying to calm Thisbe down, or Thisbe is watching whatever Aaron is doing, so He was gonna go with the second option because He didn't hear any screaming at all.

"Wanna have a snacky Me, Ax?" Fifer asked, and Alex playfully bow down to His little sister like She was a princess, which in His eyes, She is, and also Fifer giggled at Alex.

"I would be delighted too, My dear," Alex answered, and so, He started to make His own huckleberry jam sandwich, and another one for Fifer.

So after making two sandwiches, along with making a cup of milk, and refilling Fifer's cup with milk, as the two siblings were eating and chatting with each other about anything that They can think of, Their mage leader, Mr. Today came in walking into the dining room.

"Ah, good afternoon Alex and little one, how is You're afternoon going?" Mr. Today asked with a warm and gentle smile.

"Good, We're having a snack," Alex answered, Mr. Today walked over and saw the sandwich, and He smiled in satisfaction.

"Ah, Huckleberry Jam sandwich, that was My favorite snack when I was younger, I have quite the sweet tooth back then, still do," Mr. Today explained.

Alex looked up at Him.

"I didn't know You had a sweet tooth?" Alex said.

"I also have a big fruit tooth as well," Mr. Today said and then, He walked over towards the fridge.

"What's a fruit tooth?" Fifer asked.

"When someone who has a big love for fruit," Mr. Today answered, and He opened the fridge and then, He took out a bowl of strawberries, blueberries, cherries, blackberries, raspberries, grapes and star fruits, then He carried it all over to the table.

"Yummy," Fifer said happily, and She grabbed a slice of a star fruit and started to eat it, which made Mr. Today chuckled.

"I can see that You love fruit," Mr. Today said.

"I really like star fruit, not because it's a star, but because it's so good," Fifer explained, which made Both Alex and Mr. Today chuckled.


"Ouch! Thiz, You know it's not nice to hit Me on the head with You're toy," Aaron tried explaining, as He was walking down the stairs, with Thisbe on His shoulders.

"You are not going fast enough!" Thisbe explained.

"Thiz, if I run down the stairs then, We will both go to one way trip to the hospital, and I am not having another nightmare with that," Aaron explained.

"Like the time where You scraped You're knee and You cried like a baby?" Thisbe asked.

Aaron blushed in embarrassment, He was lucky that His girlfriend, Kaylee wasn't here hearing this. All Aaron can reply was rolling His eyes.

"Whatever," Aaron said, and then, when He walked downstairs, Both Aaron and Thisbe saw that Alex, Fifer and Mr. Today had their heads resting on the table, at first, Aaron thought the worse, but then, He was relieved that He can hear Their heavy breathing.

However, Thisbe thought that They were dead, so She looked at Her brother.

"Are They dead?" Thisbe asked.

"No, They must've fallen asleep, probably from eating too much, They'd share that habit together, and Mr. Today isn't even blood related," Aaron explained.

"We are one strange family," Thisbe said.

"Yeah, but it's full of love," Aaron said while smiling, but then Thisbe walked over and She grabbed Alex's other half of huckleberry jam sandwich.

"That's because We have sweets, and We love sweets and fruit," Thisbe said, and She started to run back upstairs, Aaron quickly shook His brother, sister and Mr. Today awake, before running upstairs.

"Not what I meant, Thiz!" Aaron tried saying as He was running after Thisbe, while leaving a half awake and clueless, Alex, Fifer and Mr. Today alone with a messy table.


(The end, I'm so sorry for the short story, next one is gonna be bigger, hoped you enjoyed!)

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