"Forever Parentless?" (The Stowe Siblings)

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"Clueless parentless twins..."


No One's POV:

Today was the a bright and early day for people who lived in Artime and Quill, and the twins, 12 year old Fifer and Thisbe got up and ready for school. First They got dressed, had breakfast, went to hug Their two older brothers, Alex and Aaron before going outside and meet up with Their best friend, Seth and going to school.


Once the twins and Seth arrived at class, The three of Them all sat down three in a row next to each other, and class had just begun once Their teacher, Mrs. Octavia, the wonderful and nicest teacher who was half alligator and half octopus, came in.

"Good morning, My lovely students!" Mrs. Octavia said sweetly.

"Good morning, Mrs. Octavia!" The whole class greeted happily.

"Today is a special day because it's parent day!" Mrs. Octavia said happily, all of the children happily gaped and cheered, but however Fifer and Thisbe looked at each other and it was clear that They weren't smiling.

Thisbe gently squeezed Her pen, while Fifer was drawing shapes on Her paper while looking down.

Seth noticed how the twins reacted and Their expressions on Their faces, He immediately got the message quick that Both Fifer and Thisbe don't have Their parents in Their life, and never met Them, since They were only babies.

All of a sudden, a student, "Tiana" raised Her hand and Mrs. Octavia looked over at Her.

"Yes Tiana?" Mrs. Octavia asked.

"Mrs. Octavia, what is parent day and what do We do and how to celebrate it?" Tiana asked.

"Oh my! So many amazing questions! Well, You can celebrate how ever You want to celebrate with You're parents, You can draw them a picture, paint a picture, make them something, or anything, You can be creative about it," Mrs. Octavia explained and She chuckled.

"But mostly, I believe that the greatest gift that You can give You're parents is the love You have for them," Mrs. Octavia explained happily.

Fifer raised Her hand.

"Yes Fifer?" Mrs. Octavia asked.

"Um..." Fifer stuttered and She looked over at Her twin sister then She looked back at Her teacher.

"What's happens if You can't give You're parents anything?" Fifer asked.

"I'm sure whatever You give to You're parents that They will love it," Mrs. Octavia explained.

"But...what happens if You don't have any parents, just...just a guardian, does a guardian count?" Fifer asked.

The whole room was silent, all eyes were on Fifer and Thisbe, but mostly Fifer since She was the one who spoke, Fifer was really uncomfortable with all eyes were on Her, She then put Her hand down and looked down at the floor shamefully.

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