"To the throne of hunt & To the throne of magic" (The stowe twins) (Part 2)

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"My mother told Me"


No One's POV:

As Aaron along with a whole group of other blessed soon to be hunters all walked into the castle, with Aaron's little sister by His side and He was holding onto Thisbe in a gentle tightly hold. Little Thisbe couldn't stop looking back as She thought Her big brother Alex and Her twin sister, Fifer was behind Them both.

Once Aaron, little Thisbe and the rest of the others walked into the castle and saw Queen Justine was already sitting on Her throne looking not so emotional at all.

"Welcome soon to be hunters, I am proudly to congratulate You all to be serving under Me and protecting Me for as long as I reign," Queen Justine explained.

"There are a lot of new students who are gonna have to be more comfortable for now how are You all gonna live, You all are gonna in My castle, study and trained to become hunters," Queen Justine explained but then She looked over at little Thisbe.

"And there will be time for some to grow up to even know what a hunter actually is," Queen Justine explained and She then looked at Aaron. Aaron didn't move or even dare to speak, He just stood there while holding onto Thisbe.

"Now, I want You to follow Your three hunter instructor, Eva Fathom, Liam Healy and Gondoleery Rattrapp, follow them and They will lead You to Your rooms and in the next morning, You'll are going to learn on how to become hunters," Queen Justine explained.

And just like that, Aaron along with Thisbe and the others had followed Eva, Liam and Gondoleery to down the halls and show them all around and their new rooms.

Eva had lead Aaron and Thisbe into their new bedroom. The bedroom was neatly but yet grey and black colored all around. Eva shut the door as Aaron put Thisbe down on the bed, Aaron looked up and saw that Eva was still here, He raised an eyebrow at Her, and She smiled.

When Eva smiled, Aaron's heart skipped a beat, Smiling was not even legal in the kingdom of Quill and whoever would would dare to smile then will be sentenced to death.

"You have a beautiful little sister, it is such a shame that at such a young age, She's gonna have to be trained into a hunter," Eva explained.

"Say, what is Yours and Your sister's name?" Eva asked.

"Aaron and Thisbe," Aaron said and Eva smiled again.

"Thisbe, such a interesting name, meaning lover" Eva said.

"Uh...yeah" Aaron awkwardly agreed.

"Well, it is very nice to meet You," Eva said and Aaron nodded His head.

"Thank you, You too," Aaron said and Eva nodded Her head.

"Well, if You have any questions or if You need to talk to someone, then please come find Me, I saw Your brother and sister went into that carriage and I am so sorry...I had no choice with My daughter..." Eva explained.

Aaron was shocked to hear that someone in Quill was actually apologizing. Was that even a thing?

"I'm sorry too," Aaron said softly and Eva softly smiled.

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