"To the throne of hunt & To the throne of magic" (The stowe twins) (Part 3)

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"My mother told me"


No One's POV:

Ever since Alex, Meghan, Lani, Samheed and Fifer had came in the kingdom of Artime, day by day, They became more and more comfortable of Their new life style, a week after They arrived, They started to go to school and soon take magical warrior classes, and while Alex was going to school, Fifer was enjoying Her stay at Daycare where She meets new friends.

In the kingdom of Quill, Aaron and Thisbe had started to get use to their new lifestyle, They both trained hard to become Queen Justine's hunters, Aaron had never left Thisbe's side unless Eva was there with Her because He truly trust Her with all of His heart with Thisbe.

Overall the Stowe brothers and the Stowe sisters had became stronger every day, and soon, something unexpected happened...

It was now a year ever since the Stowe children had changed. In the kingdom of Artime, Alex (who was now 18 and is now a magic warrior) was in His room and He was painting a picture while Fifer (who was now 3) was reading a book and She was now learning about Her alphabet, numbers, colors and animals.

As Alex was painting a picture and Fifer was reading, all of a sudden, there was a knock.

"Come in," Alex said and the door opened and-

"Mrs. Morning!" Alex said with a smile. Mrs. Morning smiled brightly.

"Good afternoon Alex, I just wanna let You know that My father wishes to see You and He doesn't mind if You bring Fifer along," Mrs. Morning explained.

"Alright," Alex said and He put all of His painting supplies down, went over to Fifer's bed, picked up Fifer then walked out of His room and went over to Mr. Today's office.


Once Alex had arrived at Mr. Today's office and had opened the door, along with holding Fifer, Mr. Today smiled brightly as He saw both Alex and Fifer walked into His office.

"Good afternoon Alex and Fifer, How is Your day so far?" Mr. Today asked.

"Our day is good so far, Mrs. Morning told Me that You wanted to talk to Me?" Alex asked and Mr. Today smiled.

"Ah! Yes, of course! I'm here to talk You about something...or a favor," Mr. Today explained.

"A favor?" Alex asked and He put Fifer down. Alex watch little Fifer wander off to look out of the window and enjoying the view in the kingdom of Artime.

"Yes, My boy, a favor," Mr. Today said.

"I know You and little Fifer had been here a year now and You guys love it so much, but also, As years go by, I am getting old Alex," Mr. Today explained. But however, Alex was pretty confused on what Mr. Today is trying to explained to Him.

"I know that, Mr. Today," Alex said.

"And I know that I can't rule the kingdom of Artime forever, so what I am trying to say Alex is that, I need an heir to take over the throne," Mr. Today explained.

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