"Watching over You" (Mr. Today, Alex & Fifer)

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"I'm always with You, even when You can't see Me, I'm here..."


No One's POV:

"As the mage leader of Artime, I declare You, Fifer Stowe, now the mage leader of Artime," Aaron explained and He gave the colorful magical robe to His little sister, Fifer Stowe.


Ever since Alex had died, and His twin brother Aaron was the new leader of Artime, but now, Aaron had decided that someone else was more worthy and better to be the mage leader of Artime and it was no other then, His little sister, Fifer Stowe.

Fifer who is now 13 years old along with Her twin sister, Thisbe, She was still shaken up since Aaron had declare Her to be the next leader of Artime since it all happened yesterday in privately.

Ever since yesterday, that day was the only thing Fifer couldn't stop thinking about, Fifer even started to get headache about it, and headaches are not fun at all. Fifer let out a sigh and She looked down at the colorful robe that Her older brother Alex weared and before Alex, was the one and only, Mr. Marcus Today.

Fifer then realized if She would just take a nap then the headache might go away, and so She walked into Her bedroom and soon tried to fall asleep. As time went by, but still no luck when it comes to Fifer getting some sleep, She kept on tossing and turning, but still no luck, it was really bothering Her.

Fifer listened to the sound of nature from outside, everything was peaceful and quiet in Artime, luckily no danger will come to Artime because that is the last thing Fifer wants and She doesn't have any confidence in Herself if She can even be a good leader to Her home.

"Stupid fighting My sleep..." Fifer mumbled to Herself and then She got out of bed, She then walked out of the office with the robe still in Her hand and walked downstairs.

Once She walked downstairs, She realized that the whole manison was quiet and empty. No one was here expect for Herself, Fifer then walked over towards the two huge paintings, the two paintings was no other than, Her brother Alex and Mr. Today.

Once Fifer had laid Her eyes on the painting of Her brother, it brought Her to tears, She truly missed Alex so much, She wished that He was here, Fifer and Alex had a really close unbreakable bond, now Fifer felt like that bond was broken ever since Alex died.

She gripped the robe tightly as She let tears falling down Her cheeks and was now a little shaken up again, Fifer wanted to scream, She was having a hard time to accept Alex's death, if Fifer could bring Alex back by sacrificing Herself, She would do it in a heart beat, but She knew that Alex wouldn't like that one bit.

"Why...Why did You have to go? We still need You Alex, I-I just can't do it, I...need Y-You," Fifer softly cried, but Fifer knew that She was not gonna get an answer by talking to a painting.

But then, all of a sudden, Fifer felt a gentle breeze blew around Her, but the windows were all close and the door was close as well, so She wondered how in the world did this strange breeze came in.

Before Fifer could figure out, She felt Her eyes started to close, Fifer tried to fight back the tiredness, but then She felt to the floor with the robe still Her two hands and Her eyes closed, leaving Her there in a deep sleep.

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