Chapter Five: Rookwood & Ranrok

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Sebastian was having a hard time focusing on Mr. Hill - more so than usual. The man tended to blather on.

"Yes, I think I can find you a nice hat to complement your robes. Bring out the brown in your eyes. I could give you a discount." Mr. Hill adjusted his spectacles on the tip of his nose. "It's the least I could do. If you boys hadn't taken down that troll, my illustrious establishment would have been destroyed, I am quite certain! But enough about that, who is your friend?"

Sebastian stopped twirling the handle of his wand in his palm.

"He's a new student. Fifth-year, actually. Damien is his name."

"Oh, a fifth-year? A transfer from...hmmm, not Beauxbatons?"

"I'm not sure, actually." Sebastian had heard rumors, but he didn't want to spread gossip, particularly to Mr. Hill of all people. The man had loose lips.

"Well, wherever he came from, Hogwarts is lucky to have him." Mr. Hill glanced up as the door chimed.

Sebastian watched as Damien walked into the shop. He was in good spirits, despite his disheveled hair and robes. Tendrils of hair had escaped his loose bun, framing his face. He gave Sebastian a winning grin.

Sebastian rubbed the back of his head, dazzled by his smile. "Mr. Hill was just singing your praises."

"I was happy to help." Damien and Mr. Hill nodded to each other in greeting and started a conversation.

Sebastian didn't want to pry, so he turned around to study the mannequins behind him. He was never much into fashion - his family honestly couldn't afford it - but Ominis was always talking about the newest designs, oddly enough. While he couldn't see them, on account of his blindness, he could feel them. He often asked Sebastian to tell him if he ever found any velvet outfits. 

Luckily, Damien didn't take too much longer with Mr. Hill. It sounded like he had picked out some robes.

Sebastian waited for the shopkeeper to walk behind the counter before speaking. "I'd say we've earned a butterbeer or two, wouldn't you? Might help me forget that I was almost pulverized by a troll."

Damien chuckled. "I'd say that I agree with you."

"Perfect! The Three Broomsticks is just this way."

They left the shop together, Sebastian leading the charge. He looked up at the sky, realizing it was later than he thought. He wondered if Ominis would be annoyed or concerned if Sebastian didn't meet him after his next class like they had planned. Probably both.

Breaking the silence, Sebastian continued, "Assuming it isn't utter bedlam in there, you might even meet Sirona, the owner. She's a good one to know."

They were nearly there when Damien stopped abruptly in the middle of the street, his brow wrinkled and eyes alert. Sebastian didn't notice at first, but upon closer observation came to realize that Damien was reacting to a man in a top hat walking down the alley in front of them.

Was that...Victor Rookwood? Did Damien know who he was? 

Damien glanced briefly at Sebastian, gesturing with a nod to his right. Sebastian followed as they surreptitiously hid against the wall.

Rookwood was trying to be discreet, but failing rather miserably it seemed.

It quickly became clear why he didn't want to be seen. He was meeting with a goblin.

Sebastian clenched his hands and furrowed his brow. What in Merlin's name was going on?

Rookwood stood in front of the goblin, arms crossed, but with a hand on his wand in its holster.

Sebastian had never been overly fond of goblins, particularly now, but this one looked more menacing than most. Its eyes were a dark red and framed by unruly eyebrows. The goblin looked as if it - alright, he - always wore a permanent scowl on his face.

The goblin's sharp, pointed teeth bared, he growled at Rookwood, "You said you could get to the child when they got to Hogsmeade. That all you needed was a distraction. I gave you a distraction."

"I just watched a student take down your distraction," Rookwood scoffed in response.

The goblin frowned, but didn't take the bait.

That frown jogged something in Sebastian's memory. Why did that look familiar?

"Who is this child? What are you not telling me?" Rookwood asked accusingly. 

The goblin waved his hand in dismissal. "All you need to know is that if you cannot get to the child then you have no value to me."

Sebastian stopped listening as Damien began breathing loudly beside him. Was he hyperventilating? This was the most panicked Sebastian had seen him. Damien glanced back at Sebastian, eyes wide, and muttered under his breath, "Let's go!"

Well, this was certainly concerning. Were Rookwood and a goblin after Damien?

Once they were out of sight, Sebastian swiveled around and addressed Damien. "Did they see us?"

"I don't think..."

But Sebastian didn't let him finish. "What was that goblin doing with Victor Rookwood?"

Damien stared off into the distance, deep in thought. Before responding, he took a breath. "Ranrok is working with Rookwood."

Ranrok! Sebastian couldn't believe his ears. It was one of Ranrok's Loyalists that had cursed Anne. "The goblin from The Daily Prophet. I knew I'd seen him somewhere," he exclaimed.

At the same time, Damien and Sebastian looked over their shoulders.

"Quickly! Let's get inside the Three Broomsticks," Sebastian said.

His mind raced as they ran down the street. What could Ranrok and Rookwood want with a new student? Damien was hiding something, and Sebastian was going to find out what and why. Sooner rather than later.

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