Chapter Forty: A Choice to Be Made

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When Damien escorted Sebastian back to the castle yesterday afternoon, words eluded both of them. Sebastian recognized his own reluctance to initiate conversation, but a pang of remorse tugged at him for not at least thanking Damien for taking him back to Hogwarts. In truth, Sebastian had been in such a scattered state that even forming the simplest of words felt like an insurmountable challenge at the time. 

Damien had placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, perhaps offering a silent understanding. He had then opened his mouth to speak, but before Damien could say anything, Sebastian found himself running away. This time, Damien didn't follow. Sebastian didn't blame him. 

After calming down, Sebastian went in search of Ominis, but he was nowhere to be found. Ominis didn't come back to the Slytherin Common Room last night either. Sebastian hadn't slept all night, so he couldn't have missed him.

This morning, Sebastian chose to abandon his classes entirely. In light of recent events, the thought of attending them felt inconsequential. Instead, he sought out the lake, isolating himself from the company of others. He welcomed the discomforting quiet, feeling that he somehow deserved it.

And now he was back in the familiar confines of the Undercroft, waiting for someone to distract him from his anxious thoughts. 

Sebastian didn't have to wait long. His ears perked up as he heard footsteps coming from behind the gate leading into the Undercroft. He hoped with his whole heart that it was Damien. Damien always seemed to know how to comfort him in his times of need. 

But it was Ominis who appeared, his furious demeanor disappointing Sebastian further.

Sebastian cleared his throat, signaling his presence to Ominis.

"Sebastian," Ominis started, his tone cautious, but firm.

"I already know what you're going to say. Spare me, please," Sebastian interjected. "Were you with Anne yesterday?"

Ominis ran his hand through his hair and began pacing the room. "Of course I was. You left her there. With his body. How could you?" 

"She didn't want me there. I couldn't - she would have..." Sebastian's words trailed off awkwardly. "You're right. I should have ensured she got out of the catacomb safely. How is she?"

"She's devastated. She just buried your uncle."

"I did it for her," Sebastian whispered. As the gate creaked open once more, his focus immediately shifted. Was it Damien? Yes, he was here. Sebastian felt his palms get clammy. His heart rate quickened. 

Ominis continued speaking, his voice lowering as he sensed someone else's presence. "Sebastian— Anne can't bear the thought of turning you in, but—"

"What? Turn me in? She saw what happened." How could Anne consider such a thing? Who would she report him to? Professor Black, perhaps? Surely not the Ministry...

Ominis let out a weary sigh. "I'll give you some time to think, Sebastian." Lost in his own turbulent thoughts, Sebastian barely registered Ominis retreating to the back of the room, out of earshot.

"Turn me in?" Sebastian mumbled to himself.

Damien stepped forward. "Sebastian—"

Sebastian turned to Damien, his voice laced with anger that he struggled to contain. "Did you hear that? You saw what happened! I never wanted to hurt my uncle."

Damien's gaze dropped to the floor. "I know."

Sebastian's heart sank, and he felt the sting of tears welling up in his eyes. He wouldn't release them. He shook his head, fighting against the overwhelming emotions. "I can't believe he's gone. How did things go so wrong? I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to—" He sighed heavily. "Oh, Anne. I was only trying to help. I can't leave now. Anne needs me more than ever." 

Sebastian paused, glancing down at his feet, and then abruptly shifted his attention back to Damien, a searching look in his eyes. "But you understand," he said quietly, "You can talk to Ominis. Make him understand. He listens to you. I need to be with Anne." He hoped this wasn't too much to ask. Sebastian was desperate, and Damien was so much more persuasive than him.

Damien responded immediately with conviction, "Don't worry, Sebastian. I'll speak with Ominis." Sebastian exhaled in relief. 

"Thank you," Sebastian expressed sincerely. "You're a good friend. Truly. No matter what happens from here..." In his mind, he ran through all the possible things he wanted to say. I'm glad you were always there for me, I'm glad we fought side by side, I'm glad we were together, even if only for a short time. But in the end, Sebastian settled for a simpler sentiment. "I'm glad we met." Those words would have to suffice, carrying the weight of everything else left unspoken.

Sebastian slunk away and passed through the gate, his head still lowered, consumed by a deep sense of shame. Why did he always fall so painfully short? He slumped down against the wall in the corridor leading out of the Undercroft, his body heavy with exhaustion. He should probably head to his next class, but he found himself too drained to move. The muffled sounds of shuffling feet reached his ears, drawing his attention. Ominis and Damien had approached the other side of the gate, their voices carrying through the air. He could hear everything they were saying. 

Ominis sounded distraught. "Poor Sebastian." 

Should he stay and listen? It felt wrong, but he was curious. If Damien failed to persuade Ominis, Sebastian knew he had to brace himself for what lay ahead. Hide, pack, run away...

But before Sebastian could make up his mind, Damien interjected, "Ominis—"

"What a mess. I can't believe it," Ominis lamented. "After I last saw you, I went straight to Hogwarts. Before I had time to talk to Black, I heard from Anne. I rushed to the catacomb and found her with Solomon's body. She was beside herself with grief. Part of her wants Sebastian to face the consequences—another part can't bear the thought of it. I don't want to lose Sebastian, but I don't think we have a choice."

Damien was silent for a moment. Sebastian held his breath. And then Damien said, "We do have a choice. What good will it do to turn him in now? He clearly regrets everything. He's not going to do anything like this again." The sincerity in Damien's voice touched Sebastian deeply.

Ominis responded somberly, his words ringing with unfortunate truth, "We've both heard that before." Sebastian reluctantly acknowledged to himself that Ominis had a valid point for once.

"But we also need to think about Anne," Damien countered. "She's lost her health - now she's lost her uncle. Do you really want to take her brother away from her too?" Sebastian felt another surge of gratitude towards Damien for bringing up Anne. She needed support during this difficult time, and Sebastian was determined to find a way to provide it, even if he couldn't be there for her physically.

Ominis let out another weary sigh. "I - I understand what you're saying. Perhaps you're right. As much as I believe that Sebastian should pay for his actions, we'd only be punishing Anne as well. I hope we're doing the right thing. I'll talk to Anne. If it comes from me, she'll agree with this decision." 

Sebastian stifled a trembling sigh of relief, his breath catching in his throat. Ominis had agreed with Damien. Damien had convinced him. Sebastian shouldn't have been surprised, but it still felt surreal.

It abruptly dawned on him that their conversation was drawing to a close and he needed to leave. He quietly picked himself up from the floor. As Sebastian retreated down the corridor, he caught Damien's muffled voice saying, "Thank you, Ominis. You're a good friend."

Speaking of good friends, Sebastian couldn't help but think of Damien as an extraordinary one. Sebastian owed him more than words could express. 

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