Chapter Nineteen: Feldcroft

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Sebastian stood at the top of the lookout tower facing Rookwood Castle. He eyed the building warily, searching for signs of Ranrok's Loyalists. The last he had heard, the goblins were still holed up there, doing whatever goblins do. Raiding and pillaging, cursing teenage girls, and what have you.

But he wasn't going to think about that right now. No - this weekend was going to be a respite from his emotional turmoil. He'd meet up with Damien, introduce him to Anne, and then they'd find some shenanigans to get up to. Perhaps a stroll to the beach, if Anne was up to it. They could bring lunch. He smiled thinking of it.

The trip here was uneventful. Sebastian had saved up enough Galleons for a carriage this time around. It beat walking. He could have borrowed one of Imelda's many brooms - the perks of Ominis and Imelda being acquaintances, if not friends - but it was quite windy today, and he couldn't be bothered with fighting blustery weather on a broom.

Sebastian assumed Damien would use Floo Flames - he seemed quite familiar with the Floo Network. Sebastian suspected a professor had waived the limits placed on students using Floo Flames outside the castle for Damien, although he was unsure why. If Sebastian wasn't so loath to use them, he would have only been granted two trips a month. Only seventh-years could use Floo Flames outside the castle whenever they wished. Most students just used them inside the castle, which was unrestricted.

He caught a brief glimpse of something darting through the air. Wrapping his robes more tightly around himself to combat the chill, he glanced up as Damien whipped by on his broom, a sleek Ember Dash adorned with the classic silver curlicue at the end. Sebastian chuckled at the thought of Damien owning such an ostentatious broom. He didn't strike him as the type.

Without warning, Damien abruptly hovered in front of Sebastian and dismounted, crouching down to break his fall.

"Flying like that is dangerous - and delightful!" Sebastian remarked with a grin.

Damien laughed, tugging the strap on his broom and slinging it over his shoulder. His broom now hanging behind his back, his hands were free to smooth down his disheveled robes and unruly blonde hair. He swiftly re-formed his hair into a neat bun.

Sebastian watched Damien silently, reflecting on how calm and collected he seemed, even after such a long ride. His own heart was beating quite fast just seeing Damien here in the hamlet where Sebastian spent most of his youth.

Crossing his arms in front of his chest, Sebastian said, "You made it."

Damien tossed him a sly grin. "Enjoying the view?" Sebastian wasn't sure which view he was referring to, but he went with the relatively safer option.

"Keeping an eye on things," Sebastian replied. "Feldcroft isn't what it used to be. No one has felt safe here since Ranrok's Loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there - Rookwood Castle. My Uncle Solomon is a former Auror and refuses to look into it, even after Anne was cursed by one of them." He dropped his arms and clenched his fists. "Possibly with a wand, no less."

Sensing Sebastian's frustration, Damien's expression grew serious. "I heard a goblin refer to wizardkind as 'wand-carriers.' Are goblins forbidden from carrying wands?"

"Precisely," he nodded. "That's why I'm on the hunt for answers. If I'm to cure her, I need to understand what happened to her. Anne was always the most mischievous of the three of us, which is saying something, knowing me and Ominis. I'm hoping a surprise visit from me and a new friend from Hogwarts will help lift her spirits. Bring back the Anne I used to know. Come on. I'll take you to my uncle's. This way."

Sebastian led the way down the stairs, checking behind himself briefly to make sure Damien was following. It was late morning, but hardly anyone was out and about. "Feldcroft used to be a lot livelier," he commented aloud. "With Ranrok's lot wandering about all the time, everyone stays out of sight."

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