Chapter Six: More Trouble

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Damien and Sebastian stumbled through the doors of the Three Broomsticks. In unison, they looked over their shoulders, hoping that nobody had trailed them. The coast appeared to be clear.

Heading toward Sirona and the bar, Sebastian assessed the bustling room. Sirona ambled over to them in greeting, shining a glass in her hand.

"Now, what can I - oh, there's a face I haven't seen before," she remarked.

Damien threw her a lopsided grin. "It's my first time here," he said breathily.

Sirona returned the smile. "Welcome. Butterbeer's on me."

As Sebastian and Damien pulled up stools and sat down, she conjured two glasses, and with a deft flick of her wand, they filled themselves by the keg.

Her face sobered. "Heard about the attack," she said, passing them their drinks. "I shall be looking in on the other shopkeepers and residents shortly. Glad to see you two escaped injury."

"Thanks to this one," Sebastian piped in, nodding at Damien. "Single-handedly took down a troll!" He lifted his glass in the air in salute.

Sirona's eyes widened. "Is that right? Well done."

"Thanks for this," Damien said, taking a sip.

Sebastian watched his reaction. He wondered if he had ever had butterbeer before. He'd be surprised if he didn't enjoy it - ah, yes, there was the delighted spark in the eyes he expected to see. Damien too had fallen under the enchanting spell of the frothy, sweet beverage.

Sirona smiled at Damien's reaction. "My pleasure." She leaned down on the bar, her voice lowered. "I will say, trolls? In Hogsmeade? That's never happened before. Something's not right. The only brutes we usually have to deal with are..."

Her sentence was interrupted as the doors once again flung open and, to Sebastian's horror, Rookwood and another gentleman strode in, conversing loudly, as if they owned the place.

Sirona left the bar to intercept them.

Sebastian and Damien gave each other a knowing glance and sank down into their stools, attempting to look as small as possible. Easier for Sebastian to do, he'd readily admit.

"Looks like we were followed," Sebastian whispered.

Damien grimaced. "It seems so."

"Maybe we should invite them over to tea and have a nice chat."

"I guess we should be flattered," Damien replied, snickering under his breath.

Sirona had seemed to be handling it until Sebastian noticed out of the corner of his eye that things were getting heated. Rookwood's crony pulled out his wand for Sirona to respond, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Theophilus."

Rookwood threw out his hand in an attempt to subdue the man. "Come now. No need for theatrics. I'm only here for this one anyway," he gestured toward Damien.

Blast, they had been seen. Damien and Sebastian looked up sheepishly.

As they stood up, Sirona tried again to defuse the situation. "My friend is enjoying a well-earned butterbeer." Sebastian would have to thank her later.

"I only want a quick word," Rookwood replied.

Sirona stood her ground. "Perhaps you didn't hear me."

Sebastian and Damien pulled out their wands, ready for a fight. Two battles in one afternoon - what a tale he was going to have for Ominis and Anne.

A few other patrons of the bar pulled out their wands too as Sirona growled, "I said. My friend is busy."

Rookwood contemplated for a moment, then dropped his wand. "One would think you'd all had enough bloodshed for one day. Come, Theophilus, the Three Broomsticks isn't what it used to be. Let's take our galleons elsewhere." With a menacing air, he performed an exaggerated bow towards Damien, letting out a low growl as he warned, "Can't drink butterbeer forever," before heading out the door, his crony following.

Sebastian loosened his grip on the handle of his wand. That was a close call.

Sirona sighed, walking back to the bar. "It seems you've made an unfortunate enemy," she said, addressing Damien. "Watch your back. Rookwood and Harlow are worse than any troll you might encounter."

Harlow. Sebastian hadn't heard that name before. Hmm. He confronted Damien. "Trolls, Ranrok, and Rookwood? What are you not telling me?"

Damien's shoulders slumped and he fidgeted with his hands before responding. "I promise to tell you everything, but it's perhaps best I do that later."

Sebastian sighed loudly. He wouldn't press Damien too much - yet. "And on that note," he replied aloud, "I think we should head back to the castle."

He was too flustered to say goodbye to Sirona, so instead he walked outside, Damien trailing behind him. It was dark out - hopefully not past seven. If he missed his first Astronomy class of the year...

Sebastian shook his head and broke the silence. "I'm certainly glad Sirona was there. Told you she was one of the good ones."

"I can see that." Damien adjusted his tie. "She didn't seem at all intimidated by Rookwood and Harlow."

"I think you'll need to tell me why Victor Rookwood has you in his sights, but we can talk later." He looked in the direction of Hogwarts. "For the moment we should return to the castle. Professor Weasley is certain to hear about the troll attack soon if she hasn't already. Don't want to risk another detention for getting back after hours," he finished, shaking his head.

Damien nodded, but didn't speak.

Before heading out, Sebastian opened his knapsack, checking on the shrivelfig fruit. He hadn't had time earlier. Somehow it was still intact. Hopefully Professor Garlick could tell him how to care for it before he brought it to Anne. He was absolutely useless in Herbology.

While Sebastian wanted to pepper Damien with questions on their trek back, he was too exhausted to make an effort. How he was going to stay awake in Astronomy, he had no clue.

Neither of the boys made any attempts to start a conversation, so they jogged back in silence. It was actually quite awkward - and somewhat suspicious.

The return trip seemed much longer, but they made it back nevertheless. Sebastian's stomach growled. He'd missed lunch and dinner - the sausages hadn't provided much sustenance. He probably didn't even have time to grab anything before class. 

As they entered the Great Hall, Sebastian turned to say farewell to Damien, but he had already wandered off.

The nerve! Fine, two could play that game. Sebastian spun on his heel and stormed off toward the Astronomy Tower, letting out an exasperated sigh.

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