Chapter Seventeen: Shadows of the Past

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"Sebastian, come join us outside!" his mother called from the front door.

Sebastian was curled up in his father's study, flipping through The Tales of Beedle the Bard. His father found an old, illustrated copy in Hogsmeade last weekend and brought it home with him. Of course Sebastian already knew all the stories, but the illustrations improved the experience dramatically.

It was a warm, sunny day in early July. His father was home for the summer. He lived at Hogwarts during the school year, as was expected of all professors. His father taught Potions. Someday Sebastian and Anne would join him there, and perhaps his mother would get reinstated as the Alchemy professor. It would be quite the family affair.

He shut the book, unfurling himself from the sofa, and placed it back on the bookshelf. He heard Anne giggling outside.

"What's so funny?" he called out as he made his way to the door.

"Father found a Niffler in the bush! It stole a Sickle out of mummy's pocket," Anne managed to say through a fit of laughter.

Their mother sighed. "It's a good thing it didn't snatch any Galleons."

"Beatrix, what have I told you about keeping Galleons in your pockets?" his father chided, chuckling under his breath.

"I know, I know." She stood up, brushing grass clippings off her pale blue dress and brown cardigan. "Who's ready for some lunch?"

Sebastian jumped on top of the picnic blanket, and raised his hand in the air expectantly. "ME! ME!"

His father and mother laughed. Anne was still enraptured by the Niffler who was now heading for the copse of trees past the house.

"Hmmm, let's see. A marmalade sandwich for Sebastian." His mother grabbed a sandwich from the picnic basket and handed it to Sebastian. "Chicken for your father and me." She tossed the next sandwich to his father who caught it expertly. "And egg and cress for Anne."

"Yummy," Anne said, grabbing it and taking a huge bite.

"Thanks, Mum." Sebastian scarfed down his sandwich and lay back on the picnic blanket, closing his eyes.

"How's the new edition of Tales of Beedle the Bard?" his father asked.

"I like the pictures."

"Excellent. I'd like to take a look at it when you're done."

Sebastian opened his eyes, lifting his hands above his head to shield himself from the sun. "When are you going back to Hogsmeade?" he asked his father.

"I'm planning on going tomorrow," his mother responded instead. "I need to pick up an ingredient I ordered."

Anne squealed. "Can we come with you? I want to go to Zonko's!"

"If you're both very good little children," their mother teased.

"We promise we'll be good. Right, Sebastian?" Anne shoved him gently.

Sebastian shoved her back. "Of course we'll be good," he said, feeling full and content from his lunch. "Can we also stop by Honeydukes?"

"Maybe," his mother replied, bunching up her long blonde hair on the back of her head and arranging it in a loose ponytail.

"Let's all go to Hogsmeade tomorrow," his father suggested, taking another bite of his chicken sandwich. "We could stop for some Pumpkin Juice too."

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