Chapter Nine: A Request & a Letter to Anne

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Sebastian stood by the painting of Wendelin the Weird in Defense Against the Dark Arts Tower. On the weekend this was the best place to observe the comings and goings of his fellow classmates.

He was hoping to run into Damien. Even though they had finally spoken again on Friday night in Crossed Wands, they still hadn't had the opportunity to discuss the events that transpired in Hogsmeade.

On his way here, Sebastian passed Zenobia Noke. The Ravenclaw was begging anyone who walked by to help her find her Gobstones. Leander had apparently hidden them around the school. Sebastian dodged behind a statue to avoid her. He'd help her out if she wasn't so annoying. Hopefully, she wouldn't bother Damien if he came this way.

"Sebastian, there you are." Speak of the devil.

"There you are!" Sebastian replied with a cheeky grin. "You promised me an explanation for what happened in the Three Broomsticks. Not many students have Victor Rookwood's attention. What was that all about?" Sebastian hoped that wasn't too direct, but he was itching to find out more. Patience wasn't his strong suit, and he had already waited long enough.

Damien hesitated, quickly scanning their surroundings with a furtive glance. Voice lowered, he replied. "Seems he's working with Ranrok, and Ranrok is after something I found at Gringotts."

Sebastian stepped back slightly, surprised that Damien was so forthcoming. "Ranrok!" he exclaimed. "And when were you at Gringotts?"

Damien looked down briefly, then locked eyes with Sebastian. Sebastian observed for the first time that his eyes were a light brown with flecks of gold. "Professor Fig and I ended up there after the dragon attack. It's quite the tale. Fig had this Portkey..."

"A Portkey? To Gringotts?" Sebastian interjected, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not sure I follow."

"I barely follow myself, and I was there. Anyway, we ended up in an ancient vault where we found a map. That map leads to the Restricted Section."

Sebastian stared at Damien for a moment, trying to make sense of it all. "You can't be serious."

"Deadly serious," Damien replied. "Professor Fig has insisted that I not tell a soul about any of this. I've probably said too much."

"Understood. Your secret's safe with me. Whatever it is."

"Thank you, Sebastian. You mentioned being familiar with the Restricted Section of the library?" Ah, that explained why he was so candid. He must need something. 

Sebastian said aloud with a sly smile, "I am. Meet me outside the library tonight. And tell no one."

Damien returned the smile. "Thank you, Sebastian. I'll meet you later."

Sebastian gave him a slight nod before Damien wandered off, pulling his wand out of his bag. Most likely heading off to work on that book of his, whatever it was.

Watching Damien leave in the direction of Zenobia, the thought occurred to him that he probably should have warned him about her. With a chuckle to himself, he headed up the stairs in search of Ominis.

Ominis was in the Astronomy Tower, deep in conversation with Amit when Sebastian found him. Naturally, Astronomy was not Ominis's strong suit. Perhaps he was asking Amit for help.

"I really don't see the point of me writing five hundred words on the size and appearance of the constellation Sagittarius," he whined as Sebastian walked over.

"Oh, you don't see it, do you?" Sebastian cut in.

As Ominis turned around to face Sebastian, Amit flushed. "Sebastian, that's a bit rude," he said.

Ominis laughed. "No Amit, it's fine. It's a bit of a running gag between us."

"Yeah, because Ominis is blind, get it?" Sebastian continued with a smirk.

Ominis rolled his eyes, a smile playing at his lips. "Very funny, Sebastian. Maybe I should poke fun at your lack of fashion sense."

Sebastian scoffed. "My fashion sense is impeccable. You just can't see it."

Amit looked lost, unsure how to react. "You two are something else," he finally said.

"We have to keep each other on our toes somehow," Ominis replied.

"And I have to make sure Ominis doesn't trip over any constellations on his way out," Sebastian said, grinning.

Ominis shook his head, still smiling. "You're lucky I can't see you, Sebastian."

Sebastian laughed. "I think we're both lucky for that."

Amit coughed and shifted around uncomfortably before standing up. "Let me know when your paper is finished, Ominis. I'll take a look at it."

"Thanks, I appreciate it."

Amit darted off, his awkwardness getting the best of him.

"Are you heading back downstairs?" Ominis asked Sebastian, as he eased out of his chair and reached for his wand laying on the table.

"Yes - I need to grab my letter for Anne and take it to the Owlery."

"Did you remember to tell her hello from me?"

Sebastian nodded. "Of course."

Ominis smiled warmly in response.

Sebastian couldn't help but notice how Ominis and Anne behaved around each other lately, especially this past summer. Their interactions were almost too sweet and innocent, which made him wonder if there was something more between them. It was a subtle observation, but one that lingered in his mind nonetheless. He wasn't sure how he felt about it.

"I'll head back with you," Ominis said, picking up the rest of his things.

They made their way down to the dungeons, exchanging tales from the day thus far. Ominis had also been accosted by Zenobia about her Gobstones, but she realized her mistake and rescinded her request relatively quickly, rightfully assuming he wouldn't be much help.

As they settled into a comfortable silence, Sebastian pondered Damien's confession. It had left him with more questions than answers.

What was the map he had found in Gringotts? What would it lead to? And why did Professor Fig want it kept a secret?

He'd find out soon enough. Meeting Damien in the Restricted Section of the library was sure to be an adventure, and he couldn't wait to find out more about the mysterious map and whatever lay ahead.

Dear Anne –

How are you feeling? I'm sorry I haven't written until now. My first week back has been eventful, to say the least.

If you haven't already heard, there's a new fifth-year. His name's Damien. I've been getting to know him - we even fought a troll together in Hogsmeade, if you can believe it. Don't worry, I'm fine. I'll tell you more in person. I think you'd find him very intriguing.

Oh, also, I bought something for you. I read about it in a book of remedies for magical curses. I'll bring it to Feldcroft with me the next time I visit. We'll get you well soon, I promise.

Before I forget, Ominis requested I tell you hello. So, hello from Ominis.


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