Chapter Eleven: Detention

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Sebastian was not in a good mood. A few days had passed since his midnight excursion with Damien to the Restricted Section. While he managed to talk his way out of that detention - Scribner apparently had more bark than bite this year - he had no luck getting out of the one from Professor Shah for his tardiness the other week.

Professor Shah had assigned him the detention, but it was Professor Weasley's duty as Headmistress to make sure he followed through. Shah had given him a good chunk of time to settle into the new school year, but now Sebastian was polishing silver in the trophy room instead of enjoying a beautiful fall afternoon in Hogsmeade.

Ominis had some Potions ingredients he needed to pick up at J. Pippin's, so instead of bringing Sebastian along he enlisted Imelda. Sebastian assumed she was taking a break from flying for the day since she hurt her wrist in Crossed Wands last night.

Speaking of Crossed Wands - he started rubbing a Quidditch trophy more vigorously - last night had been a total disaster.

For the first time ever, Sebastian lost a match to Leander. It was absolutely infuriating. To make matters worse, everyone had been there, Ominis included. He shuddered at the damage control he would need to do over the next few days, perhaps even weeks. Surely not months?

Well, maybe not everyone was there to witness his defeat. Damien was late to his match, almost leading to a forfeit. Natty vouched for him though. She said they were in Lower Hogsfield together earlier that evening, and she suggested he may have gotten lost on his return back. Sebastian found that highly improbable, but Lucan accepted the excuse.

When Damien did arrive, he chose Natty as his dueling partner and, naturally, they won. At least Damien would make it to the last round. Sebastian fully expected him to win the tournament this year. The final round was scheduled for this Friday. He supposed he'd attend, if not reluctantly.

He moved on to polishing the House Cup. What was Damien doing with Natty in Lower Hogsfield yesterday anyway? Not that it was any of his business, and yet - they were friends now, weren't they? Sebastian let out a frustrated groan, wringing the cloth in his hand.

He didn't regret not ratting on Damien, but he was anticipating at least some gratitude for his loyalty. To be fair, they hadn't had a chance to speak privately yet. Although Damien did sit next to him in Defense Against the Dark Arts today. Maybe that meant he appreciated Sebastian's discretion. Hard to say for sure.

Ominis was displeased to hear that Sebastian was caught in the Restricted Section again. Word already went around the school, most likely leaked by Peeves. There was even a rumor that Damien was there, but Sebastian quashed that whenever he heard it. Sebastian also skirted around the truth in his tale to Ominis, leaving Damien out of it entirely. It didn't feel great to lie to his oldest friend, but he'd made a promise to Damien.

Sebastian heaved a sigh. Lying and detention were not things he wanted to make a habit of, but it seemed like trouble always had a way of finding him.

He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. Sebastian's gaze shifted to the hourglass nestled in the corner, marking the remaining time until his detention ended. It was nearly up. He needed to finish a paper on the care and usage of Mandrakes before Herbology tomorrow, but maybe he'd take a stroll outside first. He didn't want to waste a chance to soak in some sun.

Packing up his supplies and grabbing the hourglass, he headed back down the stairs to Professor Weasley's office.

"Has an hour gone by already?" Professor Weasley asked as Sebastian entered the room. She was sitting at her desk writing.

"Time flies when you're having fun," he replied sarcastically.

"Mmm, yes, it seems so. A detention already in just under two weeks seems a bit soon, even for you, Mr. Sallow." She set her quill down on her desk and changed the subject. "How was your summer?"

He shrugged. "It was fine."

"How is Anne?"

"Not well." Sebastian looked down at his feet uncomfortably.

Professor Weasley's tone softened. "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."

He didn't look back up. "I need to finish an assignment for Professor Garlick's class. Am I dismissed?"

"Yes, of course. Of course. See you in class tomorrow."

Sebastian quickly gathered his things and left the room, feeling relieved to be able to escape the conversation. He walked down the corridor, lost in thought. He didn't like talking about his personal life, especially not with his professors.

No one was in the halls - they must all be in class or at Hogsmeade. Sebastian made his way down to the lake undisturbed.

When he arrived, he took a deep breath of fresh air. He loved being near the water; it always had a calming effect on him.

He sat down on a nearby rock, feeling the cool fall breeze on his face. He took out his wand and started practicing some simple spells. It helped him forget about his troubles for a little while.

As he practiced, he noticed a slouched figure approaching from the other side of the lake. It was Professor Fig, who smiled and waved at Sebastian as he got closer.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Sallow," he said, smiling warmly. "What brings you out here?"

Sebastian paused, unsure of how much he wanted to reveal to someone he didn't know all that well. But Professor Fig's kind expression put him at ease.

"I guess I needed some fresh air. Being by the lake helps me relax."

Professor Fig nodded in understanding. "It sounds like we both had the same idea." He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I've heard you've been spending time with Mr. Evans lately. How is he doing?"

Sebastian's eyebrows raised in surprise. He hadn't expected Professor Fig to know about his friendship with Damien, but he supposed news traveled fast in a small school like Hogwarts.

"He's doing alright," Sebastian replied cautiously.

"I'm glad to hear that," Professor Fig said, nodding. "It's important to have friends, especially during difficult times."

Sebastian felt a twinge of guilt at that. Since he'd been getting to know Damien, he'd been neglecting Ominis and, to a certain extent, Anne. At least he sent her a letter this past weekend.

"Yes, you're right," Sebastian responded quietly. 

Professor Fig smiled. "I'm sure he appreciates your friendship."

They fell into an awkward silence, watching the ripples on the surface of the lake. After a few minutes, Professor Fig shuffled on his feet. "I should get going. I have some papers to mark."

"See you around, Professor."

Professor Fig gave Sebastian a faint smile before making his way back towards the castle.

Sebastian watched him leave, mulling over their interaction. Much like Damien, Professor Fig mostly kept to himself. Sebastian heard he'd been gone a lot lately too. Magical Theory wasn't one of his classes, but Ominis had been taking it since first year. He complained that when Professor Fig was away, Professor Binns took over. It made class slightly less exciting, to say the least.

Ominis mentioned he'd overheard that Damien stayed with Professor Fig over the summer. Next time, when Sebastian was in a better mood, he'd ask more questions. Perhaps he'd learn a bit more about Damien's background. It still baffled him that Damien was so new to magic. Either Professor Fig was an extremely gifted teacher or Damien's talent far surpassed the average wizard.

Speaking of Damien, his elusiveness was becoming more unbearable by the day. Sebastian needed answers. In fact, maybe he'd send Damien an owl. It was at least worth a try.

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