Chapter Forty-One: Under Attack

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Before Sebastian knew it, a month had passed. Time was a fickle thing. The days - and particularly the sleepless nights – often felt interminable, yet the weeks flew by. In that time, Sebastian wrote countless letters to Anne, each one met with resounding silence.

Ominis acknowledged him in between classes, but they didn't speak more than a few words to each other on a daily basis. Their interactions remained superficial, barely scratching the surface of their once-deep friendship. Ominis did reassure him that Anne was safe, which Sebastian appreciated, but nothing more than that. Sebastian didn't blame him. He held no resentment towards Ominis; his distance was a consequence Sebastian brought upon himself, a burden he deserved to bear.

Damien, on the other hand, seemed preoccupied with his own pursuits. He attended classes, but he now sat in the back and kept to himself. Rumors about Damien's escapades outside of the castle reached Sebastian's ears, whisperings of his presence with Poppy and Natty engaging in various antics. The latest gossip, circulating just that very day, hinted at a confrontation between Damien and Rookwood in Hogsmeade. The tale sounded more outlandish than usual, so Sebastian wasn't sure how true it was.

Sebastian only occasionally went to classes. He had been assigned even more detentions than he was typically accustomed to, proof of his already notorious reputation. Professor Weasley sat him down a few times and tried to pry information out of him, but he remained resolute in his silence.

The biting grip of mid-February held Hogwarts in its wintry clutches. In recent days, a relentless snowstorm had unleashed its fury, transforming the grounds into a white expanse of swirling chaos. Sebastian sat alone near a window in the Great Hall, his gaze fixed on the blustering winds that whipped through the trees, showering the world in cascades of snow.

He was still sitting there in a trance-like state when Professors Weasley, Garlick, and Howin rushed into the room, accompanied by a gaggle of younger students. Professor Weasley raised her wand to her lips, projecting her voice for all to hear.

"Students, the school is under siege. Prefects, please follow Professors Garlick and Howin to your respective common rooms and collect your charges. Bring them back here. Return promptly. All other students are to remain in the Great Hall. Any attempt to leave will be met with expulsion."

Sebastian's eyes darted anxiously around the room, taking in the unfolding chaos. The once serene atmosphere of dinnertime had been shattered, replaced by worried whispers and cries of apprehension. Amongst the sea of students, Sebastian spotted Ominis seated at the far end of the Slytherin table, flanked by Henry and Rupert. Henry's mid-bite pause and Rupert's stunned silence punctuated the unease that permeated the air. Ominis's head was tilted upward, as if he were intently focused on every word being spoken. 

Sebastian shifted his gaze to the Ravenclaw table, searching for familiar faces. Amit and Everett were present - Damien sometimes sat with them at meals - but Damien was nowhere in sight. Sebastian furrowed his brow as he continued to scan the room. Poppy and Natty were at their respective tables as well, but still no Damien. Where could he be if not with them?

He would give Damien until the prefects came back, and then he would figure out what to do from there. The time ticked by so slowly. Five minutes, then ten...then fifteen. Sebastian watched the clock in the corner of the room with bated breath. Where was Damien? A rush of students surged through the doors, but Damien was not among them. Sebastian had waited long enough.

With a grand flourish, Professor Black swung open the doors, making a dramatic entrance despite his tardiness. "Nobody panic," he shouted. "Everything is under control."

Sebastian scanned the room a final time, hoping to find another professor present, but Black appeared to be the sole authority figure. There was no point in approaching Black about Damien's absence. The man was absolutely useless. Sebastian stood up and made his way toward the Ravenclaw table, determined to seek assistance from Everett and Amit, hoping they might have some information about Damien's whereabouts.

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