Chapter Thirty-Six: Meeting Anne

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Sebastian woke up with a gasp, instinctively flinging his sheets aside, revealing a disheveled mess of dirt and leaves scattered around him. So it had all been real. He hadn't imagined it. He pulled up the corner of his pillow and was relieved to see the relic underneath. He had brought it back with him.

Alone in his room, he surveyed the disarray. He looked down; his boots were still firmly strapped to his feet. His wand was laying on his desk, where he had left it last night. He glanced at the clock in the corner. It was late morning; his first class of the day must have just ended. He shook his head vigorously, attempting to dislodge the fog that clouded his mind.

The door burst open with a bang, and Ominis stormed into the room, his countenance etched with a deep frown.

"Sebastian, are you still asleep?" he snapped.

"No, I'm awake. I'm awake!" Sebastian rubbed his eyes groggily.

Ominis brandished a letter, thrusting it forward for Sebastian to grab. "This came for you at breakfast," he declared, his hand motioning as if to rid himself of the bothersome task.

Sebastian grabbed the letter, but he made no immediate effort to open it.

"Well?" Ominis prodded.

"Well what? It's addressed to me, not you," Sebastian said, a hint of defiance creeping into his voice.

Ominis let out an exasperated huff and exited the room, slamming the door behind him.

Sebastian's gaze lingered on the envelope, Anne's elegant handwriting spelling out his name. He delicately broke the seal, unfolded the letter's contents, and began to read.


Sebastian -

I found your note. I'm willing to meet you, but under one condition: only if you agree this is the last thing we try. Ominis and I are both worried about you. I know which location you're referring to. Let's meet there Tuesday at noon. Please don't do anything rash before then.



Tuesday was tomorrow, which meant he didn't have much time, especially if he intended to send an owl to Damien as well. Damien's support would be crucial in persuading Anne to consider using the relic, if persuasion was necessary.

Sebastian made a mental note not to mention the events of last night to Anne. There was no need to alarm or frighten her. On second thought, he probably shouldn't mention what unfolded to anyone.

Sebastian crawled out of bed and carefully arranged the covers to conceal the mess beneath. Satisfied with his makeshift tidiness, he returned to his desk, picked up his quill, and started composing a letter to Damien.


"Not right now, Sebastian," Anne said, stepping back as Sebastian reached toward her for a hug. Being forbidden from seeing her had been atrocious. Twins should never be forced apart.

Sebastian froze in the midst of the hug, his hands falling to his sides, unsure of how to proceed. How could he even broach the subject? 'Hello, Anne, I've discovered a remedy that involves unleashing enigmatic Dark Magic forces into the world?' That wouldn't do.

"I hope you had a happy Christmas," he offered instead.

"Of course I didn't. Did you?"

"No," Sebastian said, shaking his head. "I still can't believe Solomon has banned me from seeing you."

Anne sighed. "I agree it was harsh, but he used to be an Auror. I suppose I can see where he's coming from." She cast her gaze downward. "He's away for the next few days though, so we shouldn't be caught here."

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