Chapter Thirty-Nine: In the Shadow of the Relic, Part 2

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Sebastian regained consciousness to the muffled sounds of someone in the distance frantically casting spells. Blinking his eyes open, he expected to find himself lying on the ground, but he was still standing. He was flanked by two motionless Inferi on either side, with two more positioned to his right and left. They stood like silent sentinels, patiently awaiting his commands.

The Inferi he had previously commanded to protect the pillar remained clustered around it, poised to defend against any perceived threat. With a mere flick of his hand, Sebastian released them. Astonishingly, he found that he didn't even need to utter a single word to convey his wishes. His thoughts alone held sway over these eerie creatures, and they obediently complied. What power!

He heard footsteps directly ahead of him and whipped his head up to meet Damien's eyes as he ducked out of an opening in the wall.

"Isn't this incredible?" Sebastian said in greeting. The words fell out of his lips more eagerly than he intended. He didn't even think before speaking, they merely tumbled out. He gestured to the Inferi surrounding him, protecting him.

"Sebastian-" Damien began, but Sebastian unintentionally found himself cutting him off.

"I told you! The relic is the answer! I've been trying to reverse the Dark Magic that injured Anne, but this will allow me to control it-just as I can control the Inferi."

Damien grimaced. "Control? I had to fight Inferi all the way-" His words were interrupted as a spell sliced through the air, striking down one of the Inferi behind Sebastian, sending it crashing to the ground.

Startled, Sebastian spun around, only to find Uncle Solomon standing in the back of the room with his wand raised high, a fierce and vengeful expression on his face.

"What have the two of you done? Accio relic!" his uncle roared.

Sebastian watched as the relic, which had seemed inseparable from his hand, was forcefully yanked and propelled into Solomon's outstretched palm. As the relic slipped from his grasp, a jolt of shock coursed through Sebastian, leaving him momentarily dazed. He struggled to maintain his composure.

Solomon leveled a stern gaze upon the object, his wand trained unwaveringly upon it. Dread coursed through Sebastian's veins as he pondered the intentions behind Solomon's actions. Surely, he wouldn't destroy it, would he? Sebastian desperately clung to the belief that he could still salvage the situation. The voices had promised a cure for Anne. He couldn't let that slip away.

"Solomon! Don't!" Sebastian's voice cracked with desperation as he screamed, his plea filled with utter despair.

Sparks of lightning erupted from Solomon's wand. He didn't even need to say anything for the relic to disintegrate in his hand, crumbling into mere specks of dust. It was gone.

"The relic!" Sebastian's primal yell tore through the air.

As the relic was destroyed, a palpable shift coursed through Sebastian's being. The power that had once surged within him waned, leaving him feeling depleted and vulnerable. Moans reverberated in the chamber and the Inferi began to attack. Sebastian stumbled away from the Inferi that once protected him, and his gaze darted to Damien. Resolve etched Damien's face as he took on a fighting stance and began casting at the Inferi.

Sebastian gritted his teeth, determination fueling his every move. The Inferi may now be a threat, but Solomon had to be addressed first. If Damien could hold off the Inferi, then Sebastian would finally face his uncle, a battle that had been looming in the shadows, waiting for its moment to come. That time was now.

"You'll pay for this!" he thundered, brandishing his wand high above his head. With a fluid motion fueled by his seething anger, he unleashed a Basic Cast-an uncomplicated spell, yet one charged with purpose. Intense hatred surged through Sebastian, infusing his magic with an unyielding force that struck Solomon with unbridled conviction.

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