Chapter Ten: The Restricted Section

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Sebastian leaned against the bannister of the stairwell facing the library entrance, which was far enough back that he knew the prefects roaming the area wouldn't be able to see him. As an extra precaution, his back was to the door, so if they did happen to find him in the dark, at least they wouldn't get a good look at his face. This was also a better angle to watch for Damien.

It was pretty late - midnight, in fact - Sebastian's favorite time to explore the castle. Since Anne was cursed he hadn't been sleeping well. Not to mention the nightmares he did have when he somehow managed to get some rest. If he wasn't reading into the wee hours of the night, he was wandering. At this point he felt like he knew most of the nooks and crannies of Hogwarts, and yet, he still found places he'd never been before.

Sebastian heard Damien's footfalls before he saw him race down the first set of stairs to their rendezvous point.

He was surprised to see Damien was wearing cotton long johns, of all things, underneath his House robes. Sebastian laughed heartily, quickly throwing a hand over his mouth in order to muffle the sound. "Are you in pajamas?" They looked warm, at the very least.

"Sorry - yes, I fell asleep reading. I only woke up about ten minutes ago. Am I late?"

Ah - that also explained why Damien's hair wasn't pulled back in its signature low bun. It hung loose in waves down his back, ending just past his shoulders.

"No, you're right on time in fact. Well done, you," Sebastian ribbed gently, beckoning Damien over to the bannister. "See there?" he said, nodding towards the door on the ground floor leading into the library. "That's the door we need to reach. And those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to rat on us to Scribner. So don't let them see us. Understood?"

Damien crouched down on his left. "I can be sneaky. Let's go!"

Sebastian liked his enthusiasm. "Hold on now," he replied, playfully. "There's a spell you should know. The Disillusionment Charm. Good for getting places you're not supposed to be. Cast it and you'll appear as little more than a trick of the light. Just as long as you keep your distance and stay quiet." It had certainly come in handy for him last year with so many trips to the Restricted Section.

Damien's eyes widened. "You mean I'll actually be able to turn invisible?"

"Something like that," Sebastian replied with a grin. "It's not as foolproof as a cloak, but those are expensive, and spells - spells are free. Give it a try."

Unsurprisingly, Damien caught on to the spell quickly. It never ceased to amaze Sebastian how fast he learned new spells. He was almost too good.

As Damien practiced it a few more times, disappearing and reappearing with giddy abandon, Sebastian took advantage of the moment.

"Did I hear correctly - you aren't a transfer from another school?" He lay back against the stairwell casually, hoping he wasn't coming on too strong.

"Where did you hear that?" Damien asked, his voice steady. Sebastian couldn't tell if the question took him by surprise or not since Damien was still under disillusionment.

"I have my sources," Sebastian replied.

Damien remained silent for a moment before responding. "No. I didn't know a thing about magic before coming to Hogwarts."

Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "You must be joking."

Damien reappeared with a shrug. "I know it's hard to believe. I still have a hard time believing it myself."

"Incredible - so your family has no idea you're a wizard?"

"None whatsoever. My father still thinks I'm at Eton."

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