CH. 5 - creepy ass kids pt.2

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As you finally figured out the recipe and started cooking you were sometimes interrupted by the feeling that someone else was in the house with you, you shook it off as (y/s) just being themselves again... creepy ass kids.

It felt like hours but you finally finished with cooking. It wasn't perfect but oh well, nothing is.

"(y/s)! Foods' ready!" You yell from the start of the stairs and listen for the soft thumps of their feet as they race down the hallway.

"Woah, what's got you in a hurry champ? Training for the marathon?" You joke as they hurry to the table and declare their victory.

"I was racing with Jack!" They excitedly say and look behind you, soon their smile turned into a smug grin.

"He must be really slow, kinda weird for a guy his size." They sit comfortably on the chair as you hand them their portion of food.

Honestly, (y/s) makes up new imaginary shit all the time so this new 'Jack' pal didn't surprise you much. "Did you spy on mom and see her watching some weird movie again? Where'd the Jack dude come from?" You chuckled, watching them eat like they were starved for centuries.

"Calm down you're gonna choke-" You were barely able to finish the sentence when (y/s) interrupted, mouth still semi-full with the food.

"He came out of the box!" Was their quick statement before resuming to wolf down the food.

"The box huh? Must be magical then huh?" You giggle, playing along with them, completely oblivious to the horror that box will bring upon you.



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