Ch. 40

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Waking up on the couch you realized you ended up accidentally taking a nap after absolutely scarfing down your lunch like a starving Victorian child. Your ears were ringing slightly and your entire being ached as you attempted to sit up yet were being held down by something noticeably heavy.

Looking down you realized it was just Jack's bigass arms holding you down. Struggling a bit against his grip you finally managed to wriggle yourself out of his suffocating hold.

A low hum of what you guessed was discontent  was released from his throat in the form of a low groan. Your motions seemed to make him stirr as he shifted on the couch.

You signed in relief when his movements stilled and he seemed to fall back into that peaceful sleep he was just in. Checking the clock you nearly had a heart attack, you're supposed to pick (y/s) up from school!

You got up stifling a groan when your foot accidentally hit the edge of the couch leg. Letting out a string of quiet curses you silently moved through the house, throwing on your shoes and coat so you could rush out of the house and pick your sibling up.

Okay you were late 20 minutes but it was whatever, (y/s) did scold you when you finally arrived and the teacher gave you a slight 'really?' expression which you waved off with a small childish scowl being sent her way when she turned away to leave.

Getting home you were relieved to see Jack still asleep on the couch when you walked into the living room, motioning (y/s) to stay quiet and let the clown sleep for a few more moments.

I finally downloaded the wattpad mobile app YIPPEEEE

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now