CH. 8. - Delusion

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"Was that good" You sigh, rubbing their head when they nodded. You finally were able to leave, turning on the room's lights you made your way back to your own room, collapsing onto the bed almost immediately.

You woke up late at night, it was pitch dark. Turning on your phone you see its 2:34 am.

The door to your room creeped open and you froze up again. Realizing how hot it is in the room.

"(Y/N)?" You heard your mom say, and you heard her exhausted voice your body released the biggest sigh.

"Hey mom, did you just come back?" You asked, seeing her nod. "I just wanted to come say goodnight, by the way.. did you cook the risotto?" She asked.

"Yeahhh (y/s) wanted some, plus I was really bored." You shrug, sitting up on the bed. "Speaking of, i'm hungry." You stood up, stretching slightly.

"Okay, don't forget to clean up hun, good night." You nod at her statement, muttering out a weak goodnight before descending down the stairs and into the kitchen. As you were heating up the food in the microwave you noticed an odd string of candy leading out of the kitchen into the living room.

You turned on the living room light, following the line before it came to an end in the middle of the room. You sighed, groaning and whipping your eyes that were still heavy with sleep. "(y/s) probably forgot to clean up. Great." You bent down to pick everything up, as you were doing that a familiar large hand placed itself on the small of your back.

You took a deep breath and looked up to see the same person who was playing with (y/s) that afternoon. "A little birdie told me you saw me." His voice was deep but raspy with a small but noticeable British accent, the same one you heard when fixing up the box.

You let out a shaky and nervous laugh, feeling your hands sweat profusely. "What's wrong, scared?" He leaned down even further, to the point you could smell the oddly sweet air that seemed to linger on him, his weird long and stripped nose just centimeters away from yours.

"I mean.... who wouldn't be.." You mutter with sudden confidence. "Hmm.. Fair fair. Makes sense you'd be scared of something twice your size. Let's make a deal, you stay quiet about this and I'll make sure (y/s) isss.... How do I put it? Not gutted like a fish. " His threat made your heart sink.

Gutted like a fish? The fuck does he mean by it... 


Honestly the fact Jack is around 2x the average human's size (7-10ft, i did reserch) makes me feel things. 

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now