CH. 19.

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"Listen, I've already used this shortcut millions of times, it's good." You grabbed onto the striped sleeve of his shirt, pulling him along. "C'mon hurry It's so fucking cold out here" You complained, speeding up your pace.

"Okay okay, I'm coming.'' He murmured as he followed you close behind. An idea soon popped into his mind.

You no longer heard his footsteps behind you, odd.. You guessed he did his weird 'disappearing and reappearing out of nowhere' trick again to scare the ever living shit out of you.

Even so you turned around to make sure your suspicions were right, oh you wished you didn't because you were met with a pile of snow to the face.

"DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!" You yelled surprise, quickly turning yourself away and trying to get rid of any of the snow that fell under your coat.

"C'mon have some fun" You could hear him giggle as he started clumping together more snow to throw at you.

"Dude some snow fell behind my coat holy fuck im freezing." You shivered, shaking around to get rid of the chilly snow that was starting to melt on you.

"You want some more back there?" He giggled some more, grabbing onto the hood of your coat.

"No oh my god if you put that snow under my coat I WILL kill you!" You squealed when you noticed his plan, squirming to grab at his hands and try to get him to drop the small ball of snow he was holding.

"You're no fun" He whined when you succeeded in knocking the snow he was holding out of his hand.

"C'mon man can we just go home." You sighed in relief as you noticed your success. "I'm hungry, let's go." You tugged forward, noting he was still holding onto your coat's hood.

The sight was honestly hilarious, it looked like a little kid holding onto their parents. 


So youre telling me there are not one- BUT TWO EYELESS JACK MOVIES???  Im planning on watching them soon, THEYRE SO WELLMADE GUYS I SAW SOME TEASERS ON TIK TOK

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