CH. 55

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It was now around 16.00 (4pm), you've been walking around the grocery store for nearly an hour looking for all of the items off of the grocery list. The sigh of relief you let out when you realized there was only one more item to find nearly left you in tears of joy.

Your feet hurt from all the fucking walking you've done and you felt like you haven't eaten in ages which is ironic since you just ate before going to the store. As you were on your way to check out a familiar shadow was cast over you.

Turning around as subtly as you could you spotted none other than the clown himself, Jack. You hummed in acknowledgement, prompting him to speak up. "(Y/s) is asking if you can get some more cocoa puffs, we ran out." He says, crouching down to your level.

You nod, agreeing with his request causing him to smile gratefully. "Splendid!" He exclaimed, causing you to nearly let out a chuckle. With his rather hard to ignore british accent he sounded like your average stereotypical british man.

"Are you almost done?" He hummed as he follow behind you when you turned to go look for the cereal. Glancing around the isle you had to confirm no one was around before responding.

"Yup, I'll just get the cereal and ill be on my way home." You confirmed as his smile stretched even further. He gave you a nod and before you could even blink he was already gone. You scoffed lightly before turning to the shelf and grabbing the cocoa puffs they so desperately needed.

The ride home was thankfully calm, giving you the time of day to finally relax, put on some music on the radio and just get rid of that stupid migraine that's been harassing you ever since you gained consciousness and woke up this morning.

Crazy how your body can do that, 'ay?

As you parked in the driveway you dreaded every moment where you had to carry the groceries inside but since you insisted on not taking a second trip and taking all of the grocery bags inside in one go your arms were ready to fall off by the time you finished. Locking the front door you finally were able to relax and the second your head hit the couch cussins you felt like you were in heaven.

You were practically deflated against the cushions, your body melting into the warmth of the room as you heard Jack and (y/s) in the kitchen rummaging through the bags. Suddenly you remembered you'll also have to put all of that away too.... god fuckin' damnit.

'I'll do it after I take a nap.' you told yourself, knowing damn well that when you wake up again it'll already be tomorrow.


I just recently started watching the mandalorian and oh my god Din Djarin got me twirling my hair and giggling. 

I had to make a self insert immediately after watching season 1

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