CH. 33.

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You practically stomped out of the school, feeling frustrated and angry. A tap on your arm pulled you out of your thoughts as you looked down at your sibling. "Are you okay?" They asked with a shy tone, their smaller hand gripping onto your sleeve.

"I'm alright, that lady's a bitch tho." You rolled your eyes, grinning slightly as (y/s) giggled. You stopped walking for a second as you glanced at them again before scooping them up, throwing them over your shoulder as you resumed your walking.

Their giggles filled the street, being muffled by passing cars and the chatter of people. A few of them gave you weird glances yet did understand the child recklessly thrown over your shoulder wasn't in danger so luckily there were no cops called on you.

"Y/N!! Can we go to the donut shop??" They said as their little hands started hitting your back to catch your attention. You considered for a second before nodding in agreement and signing out a defeated 'alright'.

They cheered happily as you entered the nearby donut shop. As you walked in you were instantly relieved by the warmth the shop had to offer. You placed your sibling back down onto the ground as they immediately ran up to the display case, looking at all of the options they had.

"Pick out what you want and then pick a few for mom, I'm sure she'd like some too." You said as you finished your phone out of your pocket to scroll through it as (y/s) decided.

"Can I have one too?!" Jack suddenly appeared before you, crouched down to your level as he beamed with excitement. You sighed, looking around to see if anyone could see you before looking back at Jack. "Yeah fine, which ones?" You said, motioning to the display case.

He happily trailed over to where (y/s) was standing, striking up a conversation with them. The lady that walked behind the counter to take their order looked confused as your sibling practically talked to the air beside them causing you to grin at (y/s). 


Tee hee how are yall feeling.

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now