CH. 36.

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You looked up from his face, noticing that about half of him was only able to fit onto the couch, the rest hanging off. That made you snort out a laugh slightly as you glanced over at your mom and (y/s) who seemed to be oblivious to the situation at hand.

"Do you mind, you're kinda heavy" You grunted as you adjusted back to your lying position. "Are you calling me fat?" He said with a dramatic sob, wiping an imaginary tear from his eyes as he looked at you with a pout.

"Yes, now get off." You hummed, in no mood to entertain his theatrics as you grabbed onto a spare pillow that was laying around on the couch. You checked if the coast was clear before slamming the pillow down onto his head repeatedly. You were well aware it didn't hurt but that didn't stop him from continuing his theatrics.

"That hurt! My head.." He whined as he raised himself off of you, now kneeling at the foot of the couch as he rubbed at his head and lowered his head and made some sobbing noises, as if to mimic crying.

He suddenly got up, letting out a few fake sniffles as he looked your way. "I'm telling (y/s)!" He said it was some sort of threat as he ran off. You took that opportunity to just lay back and relax while you still had time since you were at least 99.99% sure (y/s) was gonna come here and give you a little scolding for 'hurting' Jack.

As if on cue your sibling storms in, walking up to your side, Jack trailing right behind. "What do you have to say for yourself young man!" They said in a familiar way, that's how mom used to scold both of you whenever you did something bad.

"Oh whatever do you mean?" You said with a dramatized shocked expression, playing into their scheme. "Why did you beat Jack with a pillow, that's not how I taught you to be!" They continued, their hands on their hips as they practically gave you an earful.

"Oh but I didn't!" You lied and defended yourself, might as well make this fun while you could. "He was the one that attacked me first, hes quite aggressive." You continued, amping up the theatrics just like Jack had done previously. You noticed that seemed to amuse him as he as well shot back his own defense.

"Don't believe him (y/s), your brother is lying to get me in trouble!" He said with another fake sob, kneeling down to their level.

At this point your poor sibling's head was spinning as you both kept insisting you were innocent while accusing the other. Your mom only watched from the kitchen, shaking her head at the two of you playing together, at least the thought there were two...


I noticed i forgot to clarify, somewhere in the begining (y/s) turns 6 years old and starts going to 1st grade. Im not familiar with how it works in Britain but in my country children can go to school when they reach around the age of 6, sometimes 5 if the parents really wanna enroll their kid.  <33

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