CH. 37

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The day passed slowly, now that your mom was finally home more you spent less time with Jack. It was noticeable that it bothered him, maybe a little too much because you were currently sat bound to your chair, his arms wrapped around your torso like slinkies.

Yep, you were stuck sitting behind your desk, you did try to escape at some point but his grip only tightened. Since you weren't feeling like being crushed in a bear hug given by some stupid monochrome beast your protests stopped there.

"Do you mind?" You grumbled, letting out an annoyed huff as your hands reached for the laptop that laid atop of your desk. Your action was stopped when a large hand grabbed your laptop, moving it further away and tossing it over onto your bed, gently of course, he knew he'd probably get beat up if he damaged your belongings.

"Yo- give that back!" You protested, your voice keeping low so you wouldn't accidentally garner the attention of (y/s) or potentially even your mom. "No! You've been fucking ignoring me ever since we got home." He said, removing his hands so he could turn your chair around and face him.

"And?" You hummed, cocking your eyebrow as you crossed your hands over your chest now that his hands were away.

"And?!" He said, his voice pitching up as he stared at you in some form of shock. "I've been all alone!" He defended, his hands gripping the armrests of your swivel chair. "It's none of my concern honestly, I'm just trying to spend time with my family." You shrugged, disregarding whatever he was saying.

He shot you a glare and just as you blinked he was gone, nowhere to be seen. You've never actually seen him mad so that was something new..

You sighed before turning back to face your chair in the direction of your desk again. A small wrapper poking out of one of your drawers caught your interest as you opened it. It seemed like your drawer was filed to the brim with candy. You knew all too well where it came from, when you first met Jack he'd lured you to him with a trail of candy, something you'd normally see in cartoons.

You opened one and popped it into your mouth, taking the time to think over your actions. Maybe you were a little too harsh on him..


Good afternoon shitstains (im kidding i love u all sm)

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now