CH. 22.

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"Could you- move?" You paused in between your sentences as you tried to go around him to reach your room.

"No. I wanna do something fun." He leaned down some more, his lanky hands grabbing at your sides and lifting you up to meet him at eye level. You learned that kicking and punching him wouldn't do any major damage, but alas you still attempted to land a few blows on him.

This time he extended his arms, keeping himself out of range from your 'vicious' attacks. "I just wanna chill in my room man, put. me. down!" You whisper yelled, not wanting to wake (y/s).

"Only if we go do something fun!" He insisted, slightly shaking and moving you around, now holding you with one hand as the other was used to glide along the ceiling so he didn't smack into any hanging lights.

"For fucks sake.. Fine. What do you wanna do?" You gave in, dangling your legs like a child as you also slightly raised your hands up to protect yourself from accidentally slamming into the roof or into the wall since Jack was carelessly moving you around in his grasp as he walked downstairs and rambled on about what you could do.

"Listen, I'd appreciate it if you stopped nearly slamming me into corners you big fuck." You said, slightly agitated.

"Hey, I'm trying my best!" He whined dramatically.

"Try harder then." just as you said that he turned a corner to walk into the living room, accidentally bumping you against the wall's corner. It wasn't a hard hit but it did cause you to groan and rub at the sore spot where your side hit the wall.

"Ow- fuck man." You hissed, glaring at him. "My bad, it's really not my fault though. I can't control the fact that in wayyyyyy bigger." He shrugged carelessly, forgetting you were still in his grasp as he nearly slammed you against the ceiling.

"Motherfucker, slam me against a wall one more time and ill slam you against the raw concrete." You threatened with another pained groan.


I saw another really old fanfic where Jack was holding (y/n) with one hand while the other was gliding against the ceiling so he wouldnt get decked by a ceiling light or sumn and when i pictured it it made me lowkey giddy.

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now