CH. 54

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As Jack and you practically cuddled on the sofa, your hands fiddling with some loose strands of his hair (y/s) appeared, startling the both of you.

"Since when have you two gotten so close?" They grumbled through a yawn as they rubbed their eyes. You jumped up, shoving Jack off of you quite harshly as you turned to the child with a small yet nervous smile.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" You hummed, dodging their initial question. Jack got up when you shoved him back and was not sitting cross legged on the floor at the foot of the sofa.

They shot you a suspicious glance before responding to your question with a small 'okay' before sitting onto the couch and snuggling up into your lap like they've done countless times.

"Is your medication wearing off?" You said in a low tone, your hands raking through their hair. They hummed with a small nod as you lifted their head up briefly before placing a pillow into your lap so they at least had something more comfortable to lay their head on.

"Its cold.." They complained with a groan, covering their face with their hands. Before you could even say or do anything Jack suddenly walked up, you hadn't even noticed him temporarily leave the room the second (y/s) had complained, a blanket held in his grasp as he draped it over them.

The action felt so domestic you couldn't help but admire his thoughtfulness. You muttered a small 'thank you' as you adjusted the blanket over (y/s)'s body, glancing at Jack with a subtle smile.

As the kid falls back into a comfortable sleep you lift their head up gently so you could slip away, laying them back down onto the pillow when you successfully get up. "I didn't know you had a caring bone in you" You whispered as you teased the ridiculously tall clown as he elbowed your side.

"I'm a child murderer not a heartless bastard." He huffed causing you to briefly chuckle, though yes his sentence was quite heartless and brutal in itself but you've spent so much time with him that at this point you could care less which probably isn't the best thing but who gives a shit.

"Isn't that the same thing?" You laughed as you both walked out of the living room, letting (y/s) sleep in peace.


What creepypastad would you wanna see in this story? I've been thinking of involving candy pop or jason the toymaker since theyre all in some way connected to jack, yk like their victim base is mainly younger people and stuff.. :3

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