CH. 50

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 "Now you're staring.." You hummed, your tone of voice matching his. .

"If we keep going like this we're just gonna end up going in circles." He chuckled, clearing his throat briefly to distract from the obvious blush creeping up to his pale cheeks as he turned to focus on the puzzle again.

"Fair.." You hummed as the both of you fell into silence again. As you stared at the progress you two have made with this insanely difficult and large puzzle a memory caused you to smile to yourself. "Y'know.. I'd like to thank you for calling me beautiful last time" You snorted, covering your mouth to conceal some giggles.

"Yeah I bet your sky-high ego really liked that aye?" He grumbled as he reached across the puzzle to shove your shoulder lightly, being mindful of the strength difference between the two of you.

"Oh It definitely did!" You exclaimed, bursting into laughter as you wheezed at nothing in particular. Unlike last time when the tension that hung around was practically thick enough for you to cut with a butter knife, it felt heavy.. like it could suffocate you at any second, but not anymore, at least not right now. Now the air in the room felt light, friendly even as Jack and you talked mindlessly, putting together the damned, almost fucking impossible puzzle.

"Alright-.. I give up." You groaned as you turned onto your back, stretching your aching bones and muscles before settling on lying on the floor, too tired to move yourself up onto your comfortable bed.

"Damn.. We've been at it for like 3 hours and were barely halfway through." He followed your movements soon after, carefully moving the completed parts of the puzzle to the side and stepping over to lay at your side.

"You aren't moving to the bed?" He questioned, raising his eyebrow at you. "Nahhh.. Too lazy for that. My back is probably gonna be killing me tomorrow but it's all worth it right now." You sighed, stretching one last time before settling your hands behind your head to use them as a makeshift pillow.

He hummed briefly before getting up and scooping you into his arms, the action caused you to let out a small surprised scream before settling down onto his hold. It wasn't the first time Jack has ever picked you up, it was just the first time he'd done it so gently and carefully.

Getting up he shifted over to your bed and situated you under the covers, tucking you in like you would a toddler, causing you to snort at the sight before you.

As he got back up from his kneeling position next to your bed you spoke up again. "Y'know you don't have to leave right? Stay for a while." You hummed as you shifted over and patted the space on the bed beside you.

His face practically lit up before he climbed and curled up next to you, sure a part of his legs was still hanging off the bed but it was a rather nice position. Jack was a rather flexible individual so it seemed to not bother him all too much.



Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now