CH. 39.

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The silence between the two of you was thick. And i mean THICK. He was completely still in his place, no more shuffling around and rustling of his clothes could be heard and the same applied to you.

The two of you stared at each other, your expression still one of distrust and disbelief while his was nervous, nearly uncomfortable looking. "Sooo.. I'm just gonna- go." He strained out before he disappeared before your very eyes. Honestly it kinda shocked you.

It was the first time he openly disappeared before you, usually he'd only leave after you were turned away or distracted. It only took one blink and the stupidly tall clown was gone. After the initial shock wore off you let out a low scoff, giggling to yourself as you opened the fridge to fix yourself something to eat.

You threw out some random ingredients to start making lunch since it was literally almost 11.30 am now. You decided to make a slightly larger portion so (y/s) could also get some for themselves, after all you were a responsible caretaker.

As you worked your ass off to at least make a half decent dish you suddenly heard rustling behind you again before something loomed over you, you've already gotten used to this type of behavior now, nothing too shocking. Turning around you've met with Jacks imposing, ridiculously tall figure. "You're back, again" You commented, only glancing at him briefly before turning back to the meal you were preparing.

"What're you making?" He asked, leaning over your shoulder as his hands grabbed at the ingredients you had laid out for yourself. You smacked at his hands, taking back your items with a little bit of struggle as you answered his question.

"Nosy much." You huffed again, grabbing a nearby wooden spoon and whacking his hand that, again, attempted to grab something of yours from the counter. 


I just recently got back into my transformers phase DAMNNN OPTIMUS GOT SOME TITTSSSSS...

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now