CH. 44

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As you sat behind your desk idly, not exactly doing anything in particular you heard some shuffling behind you. Turning around you were met with Jack, he was sitting up, the blanket still semi-draped over his large figure as his hair was hilariously messed up and scruffy.

"Morning." You hummed leaning back in your chair. "When did I even fall asleep.." He muttered with confusion to no one in particular.

"I'dunno, you were kinda already asleep on the floor when I got here." You shrugged, letting out a small airy giggle as he glanced at you with a pout adoring his features.

"Wait.. Did you put this blanket on me?" He said with sudden realization as his expression turned smug, a teasing smirk playing itself on his lips as he laughed at the image in his head.

"No, I didn't-" You tried to lie, keyword.. 'Tried'..

"Uh huh.. Because I really believe that!" He laughed some more as a string of teasing cooes could be heard. You only averted your gaze, a blush of embarrassment covering your face. "Hey no don't hide, this is legendary!" He said through his stifled giggles as his hand reached out to grab your face. His hand alone was big enough to grab your entire face easily, turning back in his direction with no struggle nor resistance whatsoever.

Noticing this obvious strength difference only worsened your fluster, your face growing increasingly hotter by the second. "Dude, do you have like a fever or something? You're like hot as shit.." Jack suddenly said, feeling all over your face, a clear hint of concern lacing his tone.

"N-No! I'm fine!" You stuttered out, pushing his hands off. What the fuck was up with you? Stuttering at your grown ass age, how embarrassing..

You snap out of it, waving of any hints of your true feelings as Jack still sat before you, clearly being kneeled down so he could be at eye level with you. He still seemed to be unconvinced and right as you were about to make up another lie to explain your blush Jack suddenly picked you up, cradling you in his grasp as he carefully placed you down on your bed. "If you're sick you should rest." He commented, plopping himself down right next to you.

"I'm not sick though!" You groaned but decided to not protest further, it's not like he'll listen to you."It doesn't matter, rest either way. You do a lot, I think some rest will do you good either way." He said, patting your head with an odd sense of care.

"Alright alright, I will." Your words seemed to please him as he grinned. "I can go pick (y/s) up if you want?" He offered and you quirked an eyebrow at that.

"How would that even work? I mean like- y'know—" You asked, not exactly sure how to word your question. "Oh it's finneeee.. It's not like any adults would believe them if they told them about me, plus- Nothing will happen to them under my supervision!" He said proudly, standing up from his sitting position.

You nodded in approval. "Alright Alright yeah you can go pick (y/s) up." You shrugged before saying again. "But!- If anything happens I'm never letting you do this again!" You said, making your words loud and clear.

"Promise!" He said with a wide gummy grin before suddenly disappearing, you guessed he was probably on his way. Oh well, at least you could rest up for a while longer until you'll eventually have to wake up again. 


I tried writing a longer chapter for this week but sadly it ended up around the same length as the other ones, EITHER WAY.. ENJOY!

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