CH. 31

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Surprisingly enough the next few hours were peaceful and oddly quiet as Jack was nowhere to be found.

You ended up feeling worried so you decided on finding him yourself but your attempts were in vain. You basically looked through every nook and cranny to find this comically large clown but you came out unsuccessful.

Giving up you threw yourself onto the ground for some well deserved floor time, yet when you adjusted your lying position your eyes landed on the screwdriver you had used to fix the Jack in a box your sibling had got.

Thinking over all of the past events you finally made the connection that Jack was most likely connected with the box in some way shape or form since you first interacted with him the exact day your sibling got the stupid malfunctioning thing.

You got up from your position and left to check (y/s)'s room, finding the box you quickly swiped it off the shelf and returned to your room, placing it down on the desk as you examined it yet again.

"Looking for something?" A familiar rough and hoarse voice said from behind. "I was wondering when you'd show u-" You were cut off as one of his hands reached over you and took the box right from under your nose.

"This is mine. Don't touch it." He grimaced, that reaction honestly shocked you, he'd never been like this before and you were honestly feeling a little stupid for thinking he'd forever stay so passive and gentle.

"Wh- um.. Okay..?" You shrugged, not exactly expecting his response to be so aggressive. "I mean it. Do. Not. Touch." He repeated, one of his hands coming to rest on your shoulder, giving it a threatening and slightly painful squeeze.

You winced at that as your hand grabbed at his wrist in a pathetic attempt to get him off. "Okay- Okay! I get it, I won't touch your stupid box!" You muttered out in a slight panic as his grip became more and more intense.

"Its not stupid.." He murmured as he let you go as he crouched down to your eye level, now kneeling on the floor.

"Its just.. Very important to me" He stated, his hands protectively holding onto the said box. "If I tell you why you won't use it against me, ight?" He whispered, his voice unsure.

"Of course, I won't, that's a promise" You said, curious to know more details about this large clown.


Sorry for being late! Afternoon classes dragged out a bit longer than i would've liked them to.

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now