CH. 27.

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"Thanks." You sighed, for the very first time grateful for his help.

He seemed to retreat back into the living room after handing you your pasta so you took that as an opportunity to call Eliot and talk to the guy since you two haven't been talking much due to Jack's constant pestering.

You both hopped on facetime and you propped your phone up on some random tissue box as Eliot started rambling off about some random things that happened in his life.

"So like.. I found a dead rat in front of my room door, its guts were like spilling everywhere"

"Ewww- That's.. um, something. Poor rat." You visibly cringed as Elot went on to tell you even more things his cat started bringing to his room and it turns out his cat just has a thing for bringing back small animal corpses.

"Today it was a bug, idunno what type it was, uhhh...." He trailed off as you continued to cook, comfortable silence falling over the room. "Grasshopper! Mycat brought me a grasshopper today, it was still in one piece tho surprisingly."

"Grasshopper? Where did it get that? I thought it was an indoor cat." You laughed, noticing Jack's shadow loom over you. You glanced up for a second, Eliot didn't seem to notice anything different and just continued on with some silly stories so you guessed Jack was doing that.. you didnt even know what the fuck it was. But you had to admit, it was kinda useful.

You slightly leaned off of the screen whispering to Jack to be careful because you were on facetime, returning back with an excuse that you were grabbing something. Luckily the rest of the facetime went by pretty flawlessly, sure Jack constantly got in your way and you had to go around him but Eliot didn't seem to notice much changes in your demeanor.

Unfortunately your fun was cut short when Eliot announced he had to leave because he had to get ready for work which also reminded you to go check through your own job applications and see if you got a reply.

As you sat by the dining room table, eating your beloved Chicken alfredo you noticed Jack was looming over you again.

"What? You hungry too or something?" You ask, not really intending on sharing. Luckily for you he shook his head and refused your offer, proceeding to silently stare.

You felt uneasy, realizing this you just proceeded to turn back around and continue eating, still feeling his piercing gaze on yourself. 


I released the new xreader story request forum!

 all of the 37 people who requested dont have to request again, i saved all of your requests in a small file (not including the mf who wanted bob the builder smut, you nasty bitch /j)

Laughing Jack x Male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now