Three| 三

462 21 6

Where you accept your situation

A/N: The final part of this minor arc is here. At last, you realise that the only way to leave Demon Slayer is to actually be active in it from day one. Bummer. Therefore, your three month period of false peace is over.

English words are in Italics. Enjoy!


As much as you were saddened, it was not the time to mourn. You had to get the nichirin katana which belonged to Hajime. You were not sure if your own sword could decapitate and kill demons but there was not enough time to find out. Plus, you didn't have a tree on standby you could use to crush the demon like a bug like you did to the Ugly Demon. He was so ugly that the devil must have given him a job application to be a jump scare in hell.

Yeah, not the right time.

Bursting into the late samurai's room, you grasped the katana and unsheathed it. Until you could find a loophole in killing demons, you would have to stuck to the nichirin blade. You had one main priority at the moment; find any survivors and help them escape. You looked around the house, making your way cautiously towards the kitchen. As expected, the kitchen was a mess with pots and food spilled around on the floor.

Just as you heard shuffling at the farthest corner, a figure appeared behind you with a bokken ready to knock you down. You easily dodged the lousy swing and grabbed the assailant's arm, twisting it enough for them to yell out in pain.

"Wait! That's [L/N]-san!" The familiar voice of Aoi remarked.

The attacker, who was the young guy that had saved Masami, visibly relaxed as he noticed you were not the demon. "Oh. Sorry, miss. I thought you were that...thing," he frowned.

You released him, the brown haired man wincing in pain while flexing his surely sprained arm. Aoi and three other servants peered from their hiding place in the kitchen store. They were shaken and had red puffy eyes, evidence of them crying out of fear and helplessness.

"Aoi, tell me what happened."

Through her stammering and sniffling while narrating, you managed to get a clear image of what happened. Aoi had gone with a few servants to dress Masami's wounds while waiting for the village doctor to arrive soon. Then as she wiped on her neck, she noticed the injured woman's eyelids flickering while in her unconscious state. Taking a closer look, the eyes snapped open to reveal empty red ones with no pupils. She had started growling and removing unnatural sounds from her throat. The awakened demon then raised a hand to attack the horrified Aoi. It was purely by luck that another servant pulled her aside and took the hit in her face.

"It was a massacre. All those innocent women...killed by Masami." The dark-green eyed Aoi bit her bottom lip, trying to compose herself. "When I was fleeing, I saw her rushing towards Sayako-sama's sleeping quarters."

Your jaw clenched with the knowledge of the tragedy she was unaware of, and it would not have been fair to keep it hidden from her. "Sayako and Fuyuko are dead." The statement could not have been more blunt, but you were used to seeing death and bloodshed in your lifetime.

Aoi and the three servants gasped in shock, tears streaming down their faces at the loss of their benevolent mistresses. If they could, they would have wailed in mourning but that would only alert the demon. The young man who brought Masami to the house grit his teeth, a mortified expression on his own. Still, he faced you with some confidence. "We have to leave this place. It is no longer safe and that creature will not spare anyone."

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