Thirty One| 三十一

120 4 135

Where Operation Recurrence hits a roadblock pt.1

A/N: Yep, you've seen that right. You get a double update in two days. Have fun with this one :)

The organizations play a role in the story. Now you'll start to see the importance you have in the Countryhumans universe, and the heavy load of responsibility you carry.


Britain gets a harsh slap of reality



One would think that being a countryhuman granted you special privileges. That you could do actions which weren't usually possible for an average human, have more leniency in your deeds which could get anyone else arrested on the spot, or hold dominion over millions of people with your word as law. Those few out of numerous reasons made being a countryhuman desirable since the very birth of the concept of countries and governments.

Yet, it paled in comparison to the organizations that came into existence after the Second World War.

How they came to have humanoid figures like the countryhumans was still a matter of debate. The popular belief went that they were created since the people who formed those groups were the countries. Countryhumans had been seen as gods among men for decades, centuries, millenniums. Once the organizations came into the picture, however, some of that respect diminished. How couldn't it, if the largest one had the textbook appearance of a divine figure?

If an individual thought that being a countryhuman granted special privileges, then they would be forgiven if they couldn't fathom what one organization could do. One of them–a bane to most people's existence due to its unpredictability and inconvenience–was the traffic. It was impossible to find an organization hindered by such a menial human thing. That status had been reduced to 'seldom' for a countryhuman, like the one who was sitting at the back of the classy, vintage Rolls-Royce.

Had it been an official event he was going to, Britain would have reached his destination two hours before. However, this meeting he was going to was meant to be confidential, hence had to be kept on the down-low. He had to change into his human disguise for that to work, something he hadn't done in a long time. His light golden brown hair was neatly combed back with some strands leaning over his ears. Due to its shoulder length, he tied it in a mid bun which was hidden by the light grey homburg hat on his head. This was complimented by the chestnut brown suit with grey overcoat and black shoes. Instead of his normal blue skin with red and white accents, he had medium ivory skin. His monocle rested right over his left eye, his face clean shaven after weeks of being unkempt.

The chauffer who was driving him was looking at the road, tense from the slow moving traffic. The fairly young man appeared anxious to dare check at the rear mirror for the Englishman's expression. He was the quick replacement found to drive United Kingdom to the United Nations Organization headquarters after the selected chauffer got a heart attack and croaked the previous night. At first, he hadn't believed the average looking man to be the countryhuman, who was supposed to have the colour of the Union Jack as his complexion. That is until he received the most intense glare in his life and felt chills down his spine while the man introduced himself calmly.

It wasn't his fault; the human disguises of countryhumans weren't meant to attract attention or make them recognisable easily to the public eye. It was an odd defense mechanism that protected them in case someone tried to assassinate them because of politics. Only a specific few were easily recognised in both human and countryhuman appearances, the most popular being the adopted son of the man he was driving in the back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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