Seventeen| 十七

288 11 223

Where you deal with the Deutsch, a high demon and a baby delivery ft. a free interview

A/N: My dear readers, war is a stressful thing. Did you expect that everything would be sunshine and rainbows for your duo? Nah, I want drama! German is in Italics.

The above image is a reference of how Kokushibo is with the scarf, only that it is dark blue and covers the lower half of his face. On the battlefield,he tucks in his hair in his kimono due to its unique colour.


"So your Blood Demon Art helps you produce swords from your body?"


"Anywhere you feel like at any time?"

"If it is...convenient."

"Then," you look down at his pants then up at him while grinning, "does that mean--"


You giggle as you take in his hardened expression. His face had the look of an exhausted guardian trying to look after their rogue child. He never saw you as a child, but your antics frequently drained him mentally, making him question why he was even there with you.

"I was just playing with you,six eyes. Though, I'm curious to see a demonstration." You wiggle your eyebrows, a shit eating grin plastered on your face.

"The only will get is sword between your teeth." He threatened, albeit jokingly as he began to get accustomed to your humour.

You rolled your eyes,waving your arms. "Oh no, I am soo scared. My companion is going to hurt me. WhAtevEr sHalL I dO?"

The sarcasm was very clear in the last statement and the demon did not bother responding, looking straight ahead.Willing to have the last word, you lowered your voice as you whispered in his ear.

"What 'sword' are we talking about here?~" He spluttered in shock as you backed away, happy with the reaction you got.

This was the first time you had made a dirty joke with him, despite sticking together for so long. It had taken time,but some progress was finally being made in your companionship. At this point, it was ride or die.

If only the same could be said for the war, you thought grimly.

It was still 1917 and things were not getting better. In a few months, Russia would be out of the war. The only issue was that America was not participating since the Zimmerman telegram had not been sent. Generally, you had a feeling they would find a way to participate since the conflict was giving them a growing economy that would skyrocket the nation into a global superpower. However, this was a new universe and things were unpredictable.

Regardless, things were not holding up well for Belgium and France. Belgium was close to collapse and the trench warfare in the western front was slowly working in Germany's favour, despite there being a standstill. UK was the only allied power that was making any kind of progress in their battles.

Something you had to clarify was that you were actively neutral. All you were doing was protecting civilians at the cost of some lives and destroying supplies of warring nations in an effort to end the war one by one. The fact that the central powers were pulling up with everything they got and were actually winning was out of your hands,but not any less concerning.

If things got out of hand, you would be forced to incite some outrage in the empires and cause a revolution. The only problem was that it might lead to civil wars. Not that you weren't curious to see the alternate timeline where the Central Powers won; you were worried that their victory would hinder your return back to the CH universe.

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