Thirteen| 十三

338 14 24

Where the Main Character meets the Time Traveller

A/N: English will be in Italics. Also, focus on the world events because things are no longer the same, hence unpredictability.


Things are getting more depressing as the war continues. The death toll has increased significantly, with the spread of diseases among civilians and military casualties in battles. Millions have been displaced, resources are being depleted and the once powerful empires of the world are about to fall.

However, in Japan 1917, life is continuing like normal. Well, as normally as it got. Some men had been drafted to fight after the Japanese government declared war on the German Empire. They were sent to capture islands in the Micronesian territory which were under German control and would succeed.

Politically, Japan hoped to gain a sphere of influence in China and gain recognition as a great power in geopolitics. Well, the government that is. The civilians continued with their daily lives. Some lived in luxury and ignorance while others lived in fear of their lives after getting a reality check from demons.

Some were trained and dedicated to save as many people as they can while killing those man eating beings. A secret, non-governmental organisation which existed for centuries with the purpose of putting an end to demons, though the quality had declined in years.

Few, like the burgundy haired boy with hanafuda earrings, were determined to do the seemingly impossible. In this case, caring for his elder demon sister in the hopes of turning her back into a human.

He was pushing himself, travelling to find the cultivator who was to train him into becoming a certified, ass kicking demon slayer. The grief of losing his family in the blink of an eye was pushed down in his heart, hoping to get safety for Nezuko.

Speaking of Nezuko, she was walking beside him while holding his hand. The moon was high up in the sky without a care, watching everything happening on earth. To the siblings, it was a beautiful night. To soldiers in other countries, it would be a daunting night of survival from any potential enemies.

They walk up the hill comfortably, unaware that that would be the first time they would encounter a true bloodthirsty demon, and an anomaly.

Tanjiro sees a temple with stairs leading up to it and notices the light is on. Turning to his sister,he spoke. "There is a temple over there. Light is leaking through so someone must be there. Let's check it out!" Nezuko does not respond, seemingly out of it bit he knew she understood it.

Suddenly, Tanjiro gets a whiff of blood and his eyes widen in shock. Thinking that someone got hurt along the rocky mountain path, he rushes head on to the temple, Nezuko keeping up with his pace.

Reaching the building, he slides the Shoji doors open. "Are you alright?" Just as the words leave his mouth, he freezes as he takes in the horrific scene before him. The occupants of the temple were already dead, and one of them was currently being eaten by a demon with dark green hair and markings all over its body.

The basket on his back fell to the ground, interrupting the demon from its mukba-- I mean, feast. "What the hell? This is my turf. If you break into my territory," it turned his head, "you will pay dearly!"

Tanjiro was appaled at the sight, unaware that his sister behind him had caught the scent of blood and was salivating in her bamboo stick, overwhelmed by her demonic urges.

The demon noticed that something was up with the duo and faced them completely, licking the blood on his fingers as if it was ketchup. Tanjiro grimaced as he focused on the thing in front of him.

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