Five| 五

424 17 10

Where Operation Recurrence is born

​​​​​​​​A/N: Read the book title. Did you really think I would not focus on the Countryhumans? Prepare for my ultimate skill; going with the flow. Also, thank you so much for 300+ reads. I appreciate it.



"Are you sure you checked that region? Maybe you missed something."

"For the last time, dad, I already checked that region. Three times if I may add."

Two men stood in a room, intentionally kept dimly lit by the younger one for a dramatic effect. The older male had protested a little but eventually gave up, knowing it was futile. In the corner of the room stood a notice board which was filled with too many papers and maps with string connecting from one point to another. At the centre, a black and white picture of a certain black female wearing a disguise was pinned. That picture had been taken decades before and was a valuable item to the democratic country.

At the very centre of the room lay two large table with an LCD reflective screen and digitizer, which was the main focus of the two men. Many holographic tabs were open, one particularly large one showing a very detailed geographical map. The technology, the older country thought, had gotten more advanced than before. Yet it failed to fulfil its current and most important task: finding her.

"I don't get it. Didn't she say anything while you talked?" The country, otherwise known as the United States of America asked the other who only sighed in frustration.

"If she said anything else, don't you think I would have mentioned it by now?" The trademark sarcasm only served to make him roll his eyes under his iconic sunglasses.

"Not like what you have mentioned is helping us anyway."

The remark made the older country grip his cane tightly. He knew he was right; the whole situation didn't make a lick of sense. One moment, he was planning to have a face-to-face talk with the female about his son. The next moment, he was searching for the presumably missing woman with said son who clearly was uncomfortable with his presence.

United Kingdom, or Great Britain, looked at the map again. His leg slightly bounced in its spot. Only those who knew him well knew it was an instinctive act to show trepidation. His black framed monocle glimmered, reflecting the light of the holographic screens.

It had been three weeks since ■■■■■■ vanished and no one had a clue on where she was. Of course, they couldn't just announce it to everyone without definitive proof. It would cause an international uproar among the countries, which was laughably ironic that a human like her held so much influence. So, the matter was kept under wraps with the help of America.

So far, only six countries were aware of her disappearance. Namely Britain, America, France, Germany, Japan and Kenya. The last country was the last place she was in since she lived there. Despite searching her house many times, Kenya reported no signs of foul play. The house was locked from inside and the tea she had planned to drink was in her mug, already spoiled by the time they opened the door.

He knew she would be pissed by her invasion of privacy, but what was he meant to do? He wanted to find her. It was totally because he wasn't concerned about her on a personal level. It was simply for international affairs, that's all.

He glanced at America who knew it was the complete opposite but he could care less. His son cared for her as well. That was the common ground that made them work together in America's secret room in his private residence. In a way, she did help bring him closer to America after all.

Ascend The Multiverse|多元宇宙を昇る [Kny x Black!Reader x Countryhumans]Where stories live. Discover now