Fifteen| 十五

257 11 91

Where you feel Austrionomically Hungary for chaos

A/N: You and your companion have been quite the headache to many leaders. English and Japanese are in Italics. The image above is an actual cartoon used in WWI.


"Let me get...this straight first. You mean...that the leaders of Britain...Germany and Russia...are related?"

"Trust me, I was shocked as well when I found out."

Kokushibou was astounded. That meant that this entire war was an escalated family feud. He was an expert when it came to family conflict, but never had he seen one of such a scale. Not even the final battle with his late brother was that drastic.

You were perched on the roof of the Clock Tower in London, otherwise known as the Big Ben. It was a cloudy night and you were watching the cityscape. As you sat there together, you were giving him the lore behind the Great War. Seeing his comedic shocked face managed to make you giggle.

The brief moment helped to distract you from the dull atmosphere of the city. German forces had resorted to aerial attacks over England and they were getting more dangerous. Not a single soul was in sight as everyone had locked themselves in their homes for the night for safety's sake.

The demon nodded as the information sunk in. The more he learnt about this war, the more ridiculous it appeared. Not that he minded fighting alongside you, but he had been away from Japan for a few years and he was getting slightly homesick. Not to mention he hadn't visited his brother's grave for a decade. The broken flute he always carried under his kimono felt like a boulder the more he thought about his brother.

You noticed that his scarf was off so you extended a hand and wrap it around him properly. You had given the dark blue scarf to him to use for covering his face. When killing people, it mattered little if they saw his face or not. For the innocents they were saving, however, they would not feel comfortable with a six eyed man rescuing them.

His eyes turned to you as his body became rigid. You finished wrapping the scarf properly, allowing the middle pair of eyes to be visible since he had adjusted his hair to cover the first pair. It would be simple to just change into his human disguise, but he could not manage to hold it for long unlike before.

'Damn Muzan.' You knew that the demon lord still held some influence over Kokushibou due to the curse of saying his name and the control he had over his body due to his blood. Being far away from Japan was not only weakening the control, but also the demon. That reminded you to pay a visit to Tamayo and Yushiro later.

As for Kokushibou, his cheeks had a slight red tint on his cheeks which were thankfully covered by the scarf as his gaze was on your face. It would take him a while to forget the awkward incident you had a few days ago.

Standing up, you both got off the roof of Big Ben and landed on the street gracefully. As graceful as the slight tremor and a small crater under your feet was. There was nothing that could be done about the air raids, so the only exception was to save as many people as you could.

"This is going to be a long night."

"Agreed." The demon commented as a loud boom was heard a few kilometres away. Without another word, you both dashed into action.


Two days later, you were in Austria-Hungary alone, sabotaging the weaponry. Kokushibou was feeling exhausted so you let him rest. It was quite risky to go to an empire you were wanted in but you could care less. The least you could do was promise him to be careful.

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